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Hi, folks from the outside world. 

Welcome to ALICE IN DISSONANCE's cozy little Patreon page. We're welcoming you here today to show off SILENCE THE PEDANTS' Technical Demonstration that our patrons here have tested over 2 weeks ago. The English version was suppose to be a Patreon exclusive, but our patrons in the beta testing tier has graciously accepted AiD's request to  release a version 2 of the demo to the public. They've given us valuable feedback and we are now confident that the level of production is worthy of a public showing.

That being said, all of this is still a work in progress. Many things are simply just not done yet and will be polished by official release so please keep that in mind.

Since this is a public release, you are more then welcome to take screenshots and share material from the demo. 

We hope you enjoy this 5-10 minute short presentation.

You can download the demo from the links below


AiD Site:




Old version:

AiD Site




Or grab it from the attachment from Patreon itself if the links above does not work for some reason.




Side note: Lots of stuff going on this month! The bugs are fixed, but unfortunately we haven't had the time to implement suggestions yet... Stay tuned, though.


Ok, I just notice the title is "Silent the Pedant" & not "pendant". Now it makes sense. I've been wondering ever since what does pendant have anything to do with the whole fault story.


AMMMMMAAAAZZZZIIINNNNNGGGGG ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ And lol that ##### zoom. Did not think much about it and had a hard time finding out the remaining items to exam until Flora guides you along xD.


NOOOO!! There seems to a bug. When you call Flora and hear her discussion with Ritona for a while, it won't proceed after she said "You know... I can still here you...". After reloading that scene it works so it's all good. However, I will send the error log through DM to let you know.


Awesome, hopefully this will produce more traffic and awareness for STP. I'll go through it again later tonight to see what changed.


😍😍😍 Wish I had more money so I could afford the higer patreon tiers (can't really afford the $5 either, but I keep pledging, love you guys too much), so thank you a ton for releasing this! Going to play it now. ^-^


You just being around and commenting gives us the energy to keep moving forward. Don't worry about the amount. Thanks for sticking around!


Lovely demo still, still also made me laugh. Can't wait for more of them talking in StP. Sharing this with my friends. Also some Japanese got into the item info itself.


Ahh! I can only seem to find 10/13 items, but I really love it! :D Can't wait for the actual game to come out! ❤️

Melsa Hvarei

That did indeed feel a lot smoother. I did notice an untranslated line when examining the vegetable in the item menu, but aside from that, it was glorious. The hitboxes were a lot better, I could actually find them ;P


Sadly, my Windows 10 touchscreen tablet isn't happy with this updated Tech Demo. Since you changed the mouse button used to look around in investigation mode from the left to the right button, it's no longer possible to use a touchscreen to look around. I guess dragging on the touchscreen must act the same way as dragging with the left button pressed with a mouse? I did give this a try on my Linux box, and everything's working quite nicely there!


Aside what a fellow patron already mentioned, with the untranslated line, I had no issues except one thing. In comparison with the first demo the camera is stuttering badly if you move the camera around fast. While moving fast from one side to the other fault used up to 20% more CPU output than normal (5-10%) in my case. I'm using an Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz (OC to 4GHz). I know you said that the tech preview could cause some CPU inconsistencies but since this wasn't the case in the former version I thought I mentioned it. Apart from that everything seems to run just fine (or I'm bad at beta- testing :P). Thumbs up!


Runs a lot better and the left and right click is a welcome change. There was a strange moment at the very beginning - after loading - when the camera pans to Flora and the frame rate jumped to my monitor's max of 95 for about 2 to 3 segments of dialogue. It was so smooth but other than that it was pretty consistent afterwards at about 55 to 60. Zooming drops it to around 47/48. Other than that it feels a lot better. On a side note however Ritona's comment about the UI being made in 8K for future proofing. I was wondering if 21:9 was even possible with the visual novel's current engine or if it would be possible in the far future.

Dan Park

I will add that I also had this problem! I didn't know what to do until I saw this comment! thanks [Edit: actually, I saved there to reload, but then the game crashes if I try to load the save. nooooo]

Dan Park

To translate "と、まあ、このように何度かものを調べることによって、色々な発見があるかもしれない。" basically, it's... "Well, if you examine like this a few times, you'll discover various things." is the best translation I can think of this.


Yeah, that's actually been glitched since day one, but it didn't have any effect until we edited the text. I don't usually run in English and didn't catch this... oops. Now that I think about it, this explains a different glitch I've been seeing...


Resizing the window is easy, but we have to target a specific aspect ratio, so there will always be black bars on other aspect ratios. We could crop or expand the viewport instead, but it would be like watching widescreen content on an old 4:3 TV— it'd probably suck anyway. (multi-monitor handling would also be a disaster)


Once again the demo is fantastic :D (love Floras and Ritonas interactions its so adorable) but id rather let other people spoil it i cant wait until the rest of the game is finished this game is going to be the best! :D


@Lily i think someone told me earlier that you need to talk to Flora a couple times to get more information and check the text box. I had the same issue.


Great job! Very excited for this game, even though Ritona is unlikely to drink beer in it.


Ah whats the new version fix? Wasn't here earlier.


that 1 line in jp got fixed + did our best to prevent a crash some people were reporting.

Dan Park

Oh this isn't as urgent, but sometimes the menu from pressing Esc appears behind the cool features menus like call and item. Not a big deal imo, haha.


it would be cool if you could implement touch gestures for the new Camera System. Im usally playing fault from my windows tablet :)


Even with the new version, I'm still sometime stucked at the end of the call, but this time saving/reloading dont pop up an error but allows me to close the call (that's an improvement... I guess). Also, for me the camera is more clunky (be it in the v1 or v2) than in the patreon-exclusive version. OS: Win 7 64 bits CPU: i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7970 RAM: 16 GB DDR3 HDD: 2TB, 7200 rpm


Vilserio, Guys! Just finished playing the Techdemo, really nice work there! I only had the same issue that Kramoule had, was switching to another window quite often at that time, reloading fixed it tho. The immersion into the world is much better, especially with the talk and call function which kinda simulates breaking a dimensional Wall (Hope Melano doesnt brake it tho, i cannot say that i like being annihilated xD). I hoped for that you'll take a slice of ritonas dayly life <3. And I absoluetly support the decision to let fate be a visual novel with superb immersion :D. Also Congrats for the 65k Sales you really earned it!


Yeah, still a ways to go. No crashes anymore, but it's like the engine just... forgets to turn the button on. Except when it doesn't. On the plus side, I'll probably be pretty good at debugging once I can figure this out.


Just finished the demo. I was really impressed the moment I saw that camera slide around the scene; the game looks so good. Like others have said, the camera is not smooth when moving it around. Specs: AMD FX-8350 / Nvidia GTX 970 A game design issue I had was when you had the camera zoomed out and then you clicked on something where the camera zoomed in, the camera would stay zoomed in after the text was given. The game should return to the zoom level that you had before clicking on the hotspot. Also, to me, Ritona's stance with her back arched seems odd.


Maybe you should put a link to this on your main site, I didn't know there was an English demo yet until I noticed some YouTube video showing it :)