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We don't make these often so this is going to be an AX + Patreon exclusive. fault ita-T! Didn't think this day would come really, but they say when in Rome.

The back might get a slight redesign. Maybe quotes or something because it's a bit bare now but we'll see ... check out the larger images I put as an attachment.

Alrighty, so. Here are the rules so things don't get confusing. All patrons will always have access to everything "exclusive" unless stated otherwise. This time, everything will be available to all of our patrons, no matter what tier you are in. There are though, 2 types of reservation this time.  The first is the AX reservation where you will actually be at Anime Expo and you plan to pick things up. The second is the non-AX purchase, where you can't go to AX so you want to purchase online. 

Mug (will be at AX but will always be available online after AX)

Mouse Pad (will be at AX but is limited to 100 so please reserve)

Ritona Ita-T (will 100% be limited to only AX and patrons so please reserve)

End of Peace Beginning of a Journey shirt (no need for reservation)

Those have you that have sent us messages already are in the clear. I've already reserved your order. If you haven't send us a DM or left a comment in any of the other posts, please do so now. Tell us A) whether you will be at AX or not, and b) what you want reserved.

Okay.. I'm getting really tired now -_-

Hope all this makes sense. 

I'll see you all later!





Requesting: AX ita-t. I will not be attending AX. . . Edit: size small.


Is there any information available on the sizing of the T-shirt? What sizes you'll be making, the fit of those sizes? In particular, if you're getting the shirts made in Japan, the fit of various sizes is often different from American sizes :)


This is the best shirt ever, I need. Thanks for making it


Sweet. Would like to reserve this as well, and I will not be attending AX. Get some well deserved sleep! (Edit: and the mousepad, just incase)


I really like the last quote on that shirt, hmmm


These are all made in America and should be available in all sizes. Specifying here or DMing us your size will really help us out.


Anyway will these shirts be made of cotton or polyester?

Melsa Hvarei

I'd like to reserve the mousepad. I will not be attendin AX. Will the posters be a limited run? If so, I'd like to reserve one as well, if possible/necessary.


Just to be safe. Reserving: Poster, Ita-T, Mousepad. Not going to AX. 2x if possible.


I'm so confused right now :D Did I miss an important post by accident? I'm the only one who is wondering about: shipping and payment terms, material and measurements (e.g the mousepad)? I'm not going to AX but I would like to reserve one mousepad and one mug nevertheless. Oh Goodness the new textbox is uncomfortable…


We're just having people reserve things for now since we don't have data on shipping yet. You are more than welcome to cancel if it's too expensive but we're trying to get a rough count on how many things to prepare so all patrons will get a fair chance at getting any of the item above. Mouse pad measurement I'll tell to you tomorrow as I'm no longer in front of my computer.


Wow! That shirt blew my expectations away, that is really sick. If you're redesigning the back though, a suggestion might be to not have the English words. I guess this only works for those in America, but even though I'm sure the cursing relates to the story a lot, its maybe not the best thing to be flashing that around when wearing it lol. I'm not sure what the Japanese says, but I guess it doesn't matter for those in America because no one would be able to read it. The front design is so cool though, looks great. Reservation: 1 Medium Ritona Shirt (I'll be at AX to get it)


Holy moly that is a cool shirt. You guys have really outdone yourselves. Unfortunately I won't be at AX, but could I please reserve a Large Ritona Ita Shirt, a mug and the poster? Thanks!


If the Ita-T doesn't make you feel pain when wearing it in public, it's not doing its job :) That said, I'm also kinda so-so on the text, since any anime cons (pretty much the only place i'd wear this shirt...), particularly around here, tend to be pretty family-friendly.


Requesting a Small Ritona Ita Shirt. Will not be able to attend AX.


Awesome design! I won't be at AX, but if possible, I'd like to reserve: large Ritona Ita-T, poster, and a mug. For completeness, if the Beginning of a Journey and End of Peace shirts are available at the same time as those 3 items for non AX purchasers, I'd like a large of each of those as well please! I'm continually amazed will everything you all do!


Woah this is too awesome! Totally reserving this (sent a DM already). By the way, will you also show us what the drinking glass will be like? Anyway, TOO AWESOME. :D


After debating for a while with myself, I think I'd like to order an Ita-T. Since I live in Europe I can't go to AX...


Not bad. ^_^ Not really my cup of tea, since I'd have preferred Selphine, but still nice! ^^

Elaine Wang

Requesting to reserve AX ita t shirt (large) and mouse pad. I will be at AX and look forward to seeing you guys!


Requesting to reserve ita t shirt (large). I will not be at AX.


i'd like to reserve a mousepad and a ita t shirt (2XL). I won't be at AX sadly.


I'd like to reserve a mousepad. Thanks. Will be at AX.


I would like to reserve an Ita-T in size 3XL if possible. would also like to reserve a mousepad. I will not be at AX.


Don't know how fair it is for me to ask since my patreon support has been a bit sporadic, but I'd love a mousepad if possible. Won't be at AX.


Hi! I'd like to reserve a mug and a mousepad, and I'll be attending AX (though Saturday only if that matters)!


Updating my reservation. I'll be at AX to pick them up. Thanks. Previous: 1 Medium Ritona Shirt New: 2 Medium Ritona Shirts


Oops, I'm slow. I'd like to reserve a mug.


Would like to reserve a mug, will not be at AX


I'd like to reserve an Ita-t please!! Will not be at AX :{


Forgot about the poster. If you can reserve those, one of those as well please. Reservation: 1 Poster


If it's not too late, I'll be in attendance. I'll pass by on Saturday. I want the Ritona T-Shirt and the mug please.