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Remix of the mug! We're only making 100 of these because they are kinda expensive to make. Once again if you guys want us to reserve one for you, please tell us via DM or leave a comment below. You can cancel if it turns out to be more expensive than you thought so just tell us if you even are remotely interested. I'd rather have stuff left over than have sad patrons because they thought they couldn't afford an item.

Also someone asked what a DM was. It stands for direct message, and you should be able to send it to us by clicking our username somewhere. You should see a blue button that says "Send Message".

AX Ita-T coming later today as well. 

See you on the next post!

(can you tell? we're working super overtime again... orz 





Nice design. I said before that I wasn't much of a mug person but I'll get one anyway but this actually sold me on the mug!


Just in time for when I need a new mouse pad. Please reserve one for me thanks!


Are the reservations only for the ones going to AX ? because well, i'd like this and two mugs but i'm not going to AX.


All patrons are eligible to get everything within a reasonable amount of time. As it says in the article above, if you leave your order here or send us a DM we'll reserve anything for you, including the "AX exclusive ita-t" which will be coming up on the next post. More info there very soon.


...I need this in my life.

The Fighting Doll

This looks so nice! I'd like to reserve one too.


I'd like to reserve one as well, but hoping it won't be too expensive.


I'm interested to reserve one too, hopefully without being too expensive tho.


Interested in reserving one as well! Not attending AX though. Are there any details on shipping yet?


I am not attending AX but I would like to have a reservation for a mug if at all possible. I'm a big time coffee drinker so I would like a mug that is cooler looking then just simple "Ooooh I like coffee".


Will these be available by any chance anywhere else? I would like to purchase the mousepad if at all possible.


A bit late because I fail at reading but if possible I'd like to reserve two mugs and a mouse pad. Edit: Also the ita-t in XXL. On reflection it should sit nicely next to the towel. Not going to AX.


Would I be able to reserve one if I'm not going to AX? I'd definitely pay. EDIT: I saw the post up top... yes please I'd like to reserve one.