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So! This project also has been in the works for quite some time now. Initial production started early 2021, the text has been pretty much finalized by spring, but we had to sit on it because principal development for MS2b took priority. But finally, FINALLY we’ve reached a point where we can confidently show people and announce this gorgeous new title 😂 We are excited to announce to you


What is this?

fault - StP - Lightkravte (or Lightkravte for short) is part of a collection of side stories that were suppose to be bonus stories of StP. You see, as evidenced by the trial version on Steam, there are large chunks of StP that are basically finished that’s just sitting on the shelf, aging away without seeing the light of day. This is quite the painful thing to witness; it feels like all the work we put into StP is just gonna require a major overhaul by the time we actually get to it.. so I decided to do some overtime and restructure large parts of the storyline. The goal was to format these side stories as vignettes that doesn’t require prior StP storyline knowledge.

Lightkravte specifically will focus on Kaji, the fruit sellers son that appears in the StP demo.

Wait, so does that mean you won’t release StP anymore?

No. StP will be its own thing and we will release it in the future. But it’s hard to ignore the fact that at this pace we’re working right now, we don’t know when this is going to happen. Releasing the side stories first will be healthier for us as a group and the whole franchise thats been dead in the water for some time now. This way we can release more nuggets of fault between MS2b and MS3 too, so I think it’s a win-win for everyone.

Mini story “series”? Does that mean more are planned? How many?

Right now we are planning 4, Lightkravte included.

Wait, does this mean StP will just be a bunch of vignettes now instead of one proper game?

No. The main game will be its own thing but it will be restructured as a title that will be lead up to, rather than be followed by what where suppose to be these “extra” stories.


Uh yeah. That was probably more explanation than needed 😂. Lightkravte’s progress is actually quite good at this moment with a 99% completion rate on text and music. We’re 1 track away from a full OST and all that’s left is the scripting and creation of the art.

All new music has been created by Satella

Website: http://satella.work

Twitter: https://twitter.com/satella_n

And he has been busting out some serious bangers we can’t wait for you all to hear.

We hope you’re excited as we are about this release and a fresh new take on StP!

Stay safe.





They're so cute im gonna cry