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Hi folks! Excuse us for a very rare non AiD post today.

Our very good friends over at Novectacle has just released their flagship title "House in Fata Morgana" on Steam today and we here at AiD wanted to give them a huge congratulations! If you guys are looking for a really heavy and well crafted 30+ hour read we whole heatedly recommend Fata Morgana!

Check out our mini piece we wrote that's been posted over at Manga Gamer!

We do suggest you dive into the game without knowing anything about it but remember, it's not for the faint of heart. If you are worried about disturbing content, please do check out the content advisory before you proceed.

Once again, a huge congratulations to Novectacle! I wanted to write more about them here but I pretty much said everything over at Manga Gamer so please check out the article for more info! ALICE IN DISSONANCE and Novectacle have an interesting past... we've released out first title pretty much around the same time but found road to success in a very different path. It's only recently that our paths have crossed and I, along with Hare-san have become very good friends with them, most notably the leader of the group, Keika Hanada.

It's awesome that they finally get to release their game on Steam. Feels as though many worlds are colliding.

The House in Fata Morgana Steam Link



We're working on a very special StP "update" that we are planning to drop very soon. The English version of this "update" will be exclusive to our Patrons for a while so be sure to stick around!




I instant brought this and am interested in reading it. I'm glad you guys give it two thumbs up, got me excited. Also w00t for update, excited for that too.


Fata Morgana looks beautiful.


Thanks for the recommendation. It's been a while since I sat down with a good lengthy piece of reading material that wasn't a text book(Text books suck). But in all seriousness this looks really good.


Putting it on my wish list for when I have more money! :) '


Dat Ritona Expression though....


I bought the game, what really convinced to do so was munisix's words on the mangagamer's blog. Thank you munisix! :)


I were hesitating to buy it, but you convinced me :)


Bought the game (er, novel) today, have been reading it for 7 hours straight. Thanks for the recommendation, absolutely loving it!