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I apologize for the ominous sounding title... but we have an official announcement. As you can see from the banner, ALICE IN DISSONANCE has been invited to Anime Expo 2016!

More accurately, myself Munisix (director/writer), Konatsu Hare (artist) and Saketai (programmer) will be there. We'll be making some exclusive goods for AX too! More details on this later. 

Hare-san will be scheduling a private Patrons only signing event and she might even do shikishi's! If for some reason you want my ghetto ass signature I can accommodate as well. Official data will be released around the 18-19th. 

I know this is a pretty LA centric update but if you guys have any suggestions on goods you guys want to see made, please leave a comment below. We might as well make extras so our patrons from the rest of the world can enjoy them as well. Remakes on older items are a go as well with the exception of the Art book... those.. might be a bit too pricey. But none the less... please tell us if you want to see more of them (just remember it's probably not realistic at this point).

Personally I'm torn between making serious (aka fault like) stuff vs convention-y fun stuff (like ita-tee's, girly stickers, etc). The latter goes against fault's image but AX is just a big ass party... and no one likes a stickler. 

Would love to hear your input!




I'll be there for sure. I'm volunteering this year actually so I can get in for free lol. I'm down to do whatever you guys plan out. As for goods, I'll have to think about what might be good. It's really hard to make small orders of more specific things like art books and figures like you said. Something you can slap an image on is cheap and easy. Have you ever looked into what a figure would be like to be made?


Figures would be unrealistic with our capital and clout at this point. Not impossible, but unrealistic. Don't mind that though, this is more like a poll to see what you all want as well so we can have an idea in which direction we should make stuff in the future.


T_T I'm on the wrong coast. As for ideas, in case and for a chance to get to buy them later, A Fate mousepad might be cool? I don't know if that's an expo type thing though. A new wallscroll? Whatever you do, I'll sure to want one. Missing a chance to see you three sucks.


Really happy to hear you guys got invited! I live a bit too far to attend, but I hope you have a blast!


I'd love to have some acrylic charms if possible. Been meaning to hunt AX artist alleys for them this year so having something like that from the AiD crew would be nice. :D


And congratulations on being invited! Just started supporting you guys a few months back and I can't wait to see you on AX. You guys are awesome.


MEGA CONGRATS on the invite! thats a huge honor to go to it!!! i hope fault gets recognized more~ shame i dont live in LA but i hope you guys can do some sort of give-away from the things you get from the Expo for the people which couldnt come :) Please take some photos too :D Really wanna see your booth :)


Hell yeah! Congrats! I'm excited to see you guys there! I missed the first time you were at AX a couple years back, so I'm very hyped up about this announcement!


Congrats on being invited! I'm not able to attend, since I'm a poor ass and live on the opposite continent. Anyways, glad for you, hope you and patrons going there will have a great time!


As for ideas, probably a full-print t-shirt with the main heroines on it. Or our choice of heroine. I was eyeing the NEKOPARA shirts that Sayori was going to sell at COMIC1*10, but was saddened because they're all in one size, which was too small for us Americans. We need at least a US large in that case.


Shirts are very cool, but it's so hard to get the sizing right in my opinion. Usually custom shirts are crappy in their form factor and never fit well like brand name shirts. Shirts seem to always be a sure sell though, so they are a safe bet. AiD, if you do a new shirt, maybe you can let us vote on some designs?


You guys should come to Armageddon Expo in Auckland, New Zealand sometime :D

Melsa Hvarei

Congratulations on the invitation! Am on the wrong continent to attend, but I'll be looking forward for more merch to splurge my money on ;P


If I'll have a chance to buy them later (through mail order or something), I absolutely need Fault stickers for my laptop. It would actually be interesting to get one in a more serious style...


Damn, I wish there was also something like the Anime Expo in EU :/ Regardless congratulations for the invitation, seems Fault is finally getting the attention it deserves!


Grats! Wish I could be there. ^^


Time to make that flamethrower a reality.


Congratulations! Seriously though I wish one day a convention here in Portland, Oregon would invite you! I would totally be there since my wallet should be able to handle that haha. But congratulations nonetheless!


Congrats! Very excited to see you guys there. I really would like a tapestry (this version: <a href="http://alice-books.com/item/show/4834-12)," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://alice-books.com/item/show/4834-12),</a> but it's sold out on alicebooks, so it would be great if you could bring some to Anime Expo! The art book would be cool too, if you could find a way to make it happen.


If it's not too late, how about bags? I'm sure everyone would love it! I know I would!.