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fault - milestone two下登場人物:オルティ

ペイジュの幼馴染で、ヴィタドメイン内部のバー『セラードア』でバーマンをしているビナックの妹。保守的な家庭環境で育っているが、着飾らないサバサバした性格で、特に仲間との絆を大切にしている。 『男性に尽くす』『家庭を守る』といった”伝統的な女性”になるよう育てられたが本人は至って気にしておらず、そんな自分とは対照的な、型に囚われない発想を持つペイジュを尊敬している。 兄のビナックとは仲も良く、ヴィタドメインにいる二人に会うため、ペイジュの弟べペルと共にセラードアをよく訪れる。

Note: "Altie" in English, is still a tentative name. 

Altie is a frequent visitor to the Vita Domain to check in on her childhood friend, Paige. She also checks up on her older brother Binack (again, a tentative English name) to keep his ass in line. Altie has been raised to fulfill the "traditional feminine role" as the culture she comes from dictates her to act a particular way. She has always admired Paige's free spirit and ability to think creatively but thinking outside of the box is so outrageously foreign to her that even entertaining the thought is in the realm of fiction. Despite their differences, Paige, Paige's little brother Bepel, Binack and Altie get along very well. Altie also appears to be from a very well-off family, but she, along with her brother Binack, has a way with words to leave their heritage a mystery.




so cute


Definitely very cute~