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fault milestone one is getting a camera plugin makeover! WTF is a camera plugin makeover you ask!? The camera plugin was used in milestone two:side above to give the game visual depth by assigning a Z coordinate to all sprites in order to  emulate a camera's single point perspective to achieve parallax! WTF does that mean you say? 

IT WAS THE THING THAT MADE MS2A AS COOL AS THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PILLOW!!!! (and what gave it its unique dynamic look that still is very much a kind of its own)

This also means it's getting an HD (almost 4k) make over with higher resolution sprites for most of the characters! WTF does that mean you say?


WTF does that mean you say!!???  ...Uh.. that's... that's pretty much as simple as I can make it. Yeah.

This update is of course going to be free of charge and is step 1 of it's massive makeover that MS1 is going to get in the near future.

Also last but most definitely not least, everyone please thank Saketai for his crazy dedication to get this plugin working for MS1. He did 99.9% of the work and we're glad to have him onboard as a secondary programmer for ALICE IN DISSONANCE. Yes! We have a new freaking member! Isn't that exciting!? This update would be not have been done anytime soon if it wasn't for him!! So a big public thank you to Saketai!



You might be asking why we're still spending time on Milestone One. On a serious note, if we can't blow the socks off of people in MS1, that means that we've lost a potential customer/fan for the rest of the series. I personally think MS2a is where people really got a grasp of what we are planning to do and solidified their faith that we're probably not going to drop the ball anytime soon. But that's ms2a. Those people stuck around after playing MS1. We want to hold a 75% retention rate or higher from MS1 and we're not quite there yet. 

So yes, MS1 is now 1 year old (on Steam) but it's still a very important piece to the fault series. Maybe even the most.

Don't worry though, StP is still being developed at full speed... ! More updates for StP will be coming soon too!

Wish us luck!




Awwwww yeah, time to re-play the series yet again. Thanks Saketai!


This is very cool, excited to see it in action, but I'll wait till the new translation hits as well to re-read. As I said before, I like that you are re-working on MS1 - it's a good sign, some companies wouldn't do that. I'm looking forward to re-reading 1 and 2 before StP. Also, loving the StP updates. Doing good work!


I'm happy to hear that ~ I'll probably go through Fault Milestone 1 a second time later on


Just out of curiosity will the 3D camera be optional for ms1 or is it going to be a permanent upgrade. It's not that big of a deal if it's a permanent change I am just curious.


I'll be reading them all again like everyone else when this comes out.


Heh, the higher resolution must look nice on your big monitor, munisix! Really looking forward to this update.


WTF does that mean you say? That I fucking love you guys and nove have a proper excuse to play this game again! P.S.: Patreon's comment system is a bitch to me :/


It will be a flat mainstream update, meaning it will initially overwrite your current copy. BUT! We're also leaving the current non-3D one as a legacy copy which you can revert back to anytime through Steam's settings. If you're not interested about this update at all you can just go ahead and set your copy to not update from this point on and you will 0 problems!


Sounds good!! And yes I totally agree what you said about the importance of fault 1. Good luck and hello to the new member! Anyway, now I have a reason to reply fault milestone 1 again! Whee!


AWEEEEEESSSSSSOOOMMEEEEE cant wait to replay it ... again! but still :) so worth it


Thanks for your support, everyone! Unfortunately, I also have nothing witty to say because we are busyyyyyy~


YES, been waiting for this update so I can give MS1 another read with a new perspective :DD


Mmmm excited to replay it on higher res with 3D cam! がんばれ!


Thank you for working on this awesome update, the 3D cam looks great so far.