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Casual clothing of the 4 main cast. Done. (in a Gordon Ramsay-esque tone)

As expected, we had to fiddle with the colors a bit because they on the original pass were all way too flat looking. Ritona was drowned out by Flora's bright red hair when next to her and Misha and Riggs looked more or less like like extras. 

The colors here should denote a hierarchy of significance in a subtle way. The largest percentage of red is placed on Ritona since she is the main character, especially if she takes off her coat. Same ordeal with the use of blue as being the calming agent in both Flora and Riggs. Extra details were added to Misha's pants because he was looking too light.  Riggs' turtleneck was brightened up to keep up with the rest of the cast's saturation. We've also significantly punched up the mosaic on Ritona's coat to really accentuate the flashiness, reenforcing the idea that this really isn't a look she came up with on her own. The mild gaudiness should be eliminated or at least mitigated when she takes off the coat while being indoors. We're hoping that people subconsciously like her more when she doesn't have the coat on. Flora's leggings have been eliminated to contrast the other 3 that's design heavy on the lower torso.

And... that was pretty much the process. So much work for sprites that will probably never get reused! But thats Silence the Pedant for ya.




I love this very much. I have to hand it to you guys for taking on this project, more so when you can't reuse the sprites and such. It will be such a treat to see this story of the younger them. Plus, as you've said before I think, it gave you a chance to nail down details about their nation and such.


Also I really do love Ritona's pose and expression that screams "I don't give a shit."


Really loving these designs, especially Ritona and Riggs c: I must catch up to Hare-san's design skill!