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Misha the delinquent. Born outside of the walls of Rughzenhaide, Misha was adopted by a step-mother that refused to work and henceforth was sent to live in **District 0 but was promised rights to live within the *Four Quarters of inner Rughzenhaide if she adopted a parentless child.

Not a lot of bullying goes around in Rughzenhaide but Misha's family is pretty much ignored and has very little interaction with other residents of Rughzenhaide. Misha himself feels out of place and has never felt welcome within the Four Quarters. At a younger age, Misha wanted to join the Frontline and told the ***Serenhaide council so when he moved out of District 0. the Council granted him a position in CLOQKS Academy where he will meet Riggs, Ritona and Flora, but soon comes to the realization that he seriously needs to step up his game in order to keep up with the rest.

Top 4 designs came first. The right 2 look like they wandered off the Final Fantasy set so got axed at an early stage (hence why its not even colored). It's hard to balance subtly and the "deforme" nature of this style of art... This is probably the practical American in me speaking but I generally dislike over the top anime looking fashion as it just looks absurd and not in a good way. So we decided to go with a more subtle looking style. At a glance it looks real and contemporary but when you look close you can see the fantasy elements. Color variations might change once he sits next to Ritona, Flora, and Riggs.

*The Four Quarters of Rughzenhaide - Rughzenhaide's construction is essentially a massive circle within walls. It is cut up into 4 quarters with specialist Environmental Manakravters that condition each quarter to match a specific season. So essentially within Rughzenhaide, all 4 seasons exist simultaneously and the seasons rotate within those quarters. This is to practice Crop Rotation on the "Farm Ring" that is located in the outer most part of the circle. Using this method, Rughzenhaide is able to produce any type of vegetation in season at any time of the year. In emergencies, they can drop the seasonal rotation and concentrate on specific types of crops, like medication, quadrupling the amount of what they can usually make.

**District 0 - People who refuse to work live outside of the walls of Rughzenhaide. They still get shelter and food and are considered citizens of Rughzenhaide but they have very little political say and are cut off from the Four Quarters.

*** The Serenhaide Council - The Serenhaide Council monitors occupational saturation within the country and assigns jobs to individuals that don't really have a goal or a clear vision of what they want to do with their lives. In case of over-saturation, forced occupational assignment may take place but is quite rare now-days. They are known for being flexible but some still feel uneasy about them and some refuse to work out of protest. People who refuse to work by volition get sent to District 0. 

I'll probably do an update on how Rughzenhaide works as well.. That can be a post in itself.




A lot of cool info in this post and I like the designs in the bottom row. It'd be interesting to see where Riggs and Ritona fit into this. Unless I've missed things, Ritona family's moved into Rughzenhaide from another country and Riggs has an uncle of course lives elsewhere. This also kind of reminds me of the manga where Riggs is like 'I looked to see what Rughzenhaide needed more of, and construction was it.' Thanks for the updates!!


Yeah that far right design on the top makes it looks like Misha's gonna pilot an airship sometime soon.


Also excited to see the four together in their outfits.


I think Hare-san just wanted to push the envelope a bit. Unfortunately it turned out too Japanese.


Really cool information on how Rughzenhaide actually works.


I personally don't really care for the design of any of his jackets but it's really not that big of a deal. This is probably just me speaking out of my own personal bias but I would rather see a more plain design on his jacket than what is shown here. Actually now that I think about it have you guys considered to try out longer type of coat for this character design?


This is so awesome :D If i had to pick design i would go with either Top left or second top left those 2 had my eye :P Very interesting story regarding the works and infer-structure of Rughzhaide! This makes me want to play StP even more now!!


I think trench-coats would make him look older personally the jackets here suit him better.


Fandabbydosie, Character design aaaaand fluff? I almost wished that there was a full encyclopedia of Rughzenhaide, i'd happily read it all day