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Our patrons have known this for a while now but this will be the official public announcement of fault - milestone two, side: below (MS2b).

We will be releasing MS2b within 2020 (at least that's the plan) and StP will be put on hiatus till further notice.

Why?: The whole story is a bit too long to get into here but to boil it down, we at AiD have not had a stable programmer for the past few years. The folks we've worked with till now ranged from gone to great but ultimately they were all hired guns and were not permanent members. This constantly left us in a state of intermittent limbo, with countless prospects of advancement cut short by numerous circumstantial disappointments. Rather than keep fighting this uphill battle, we've decided to move on for the sake of the series and come back to StP when we have the firepower to tackle a project of that scale. This is a post for MS2b so that'll all we'll say about StP for now.

As our publisher Phoenixx has announced, fault - milestone two side:below, the direct continuation of the fault series, will once again commence and we are aiming to release MS2b within the year.

We have a mini teaser for MS2b that was played at Bitsummit Gaiden 2020 which is embedded at the top of the post! Please check it out!

We also have an official website for MS2b which shall be updated as we make progress on the game which you can access here:


Finally, we at AiD cannot thank our fans' patience. We're also sorry we couldn't update the public till now. But I've said before and I'll say it again; if we can't be at least be a good 70% sure about something, we don't want to promise anything since so many of the chances we took in the past have failed to pan out for a variety of different reasons. This is our way of managing the public's anticipation. Our struggle shouldn't be your problem, just forget about us for now and come back when we have something to show you. For those of you still reading this, I hope you never have to experience this kind of frustration in your life: When things don't work out, no matter how much effort and heart you put into something, they just simply do not work out. Those who have patiently waited, thank you a million times over. We have substantial reason to believe that we can avoid stagnation of this magnitude for the foreseeable future (but who the hell knows what will happen). All I can say is, we're still here folks. We're still fighting. And we plan to finish the series, no matter how long it takes.


PS: To reiterate because I know people will still ask even though the answer is in the article, StP is not "canceled", it is simply on hiatus. Too much work went into to just throw it all way. It will be done, "when it's ready" to be released ;)



fault - milestone two side: below ショートPV

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Hype!! 🎉✨


Oh my, this looks extra spicy