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This one's a big one folks.... We've been working on Rhegan's full design for the past week and I think we've finally come to a conclusion. Straight out of the oven, we present to you.. the final design sketch of Queen Rhegan. 

It was rather hard to come up with a design that can "feel" a couple hundred years older than what Selphine and Flora wears but I think we got a good thing going. Black because she's a Battlekravting Royalty, and the longer heavier dress gives off the an older period look. 

In case you guys haven't never read The Alliance's settings on our projectwritten.com/fault site, The Alliance was started by Rhegans son, Verag. He's also the creator and the first to use Aeroratum in a political campaign which rapidly lead to peaceful treaties with countries within the Sanne`Ajrizda continent. 

It's been told that Verag, watching his mother reign Rughzenhaide, wished to escape from a destiny of bloodshed and the never ending history of violence within the family and his surrounding countries. This lead to him creating a method of communication that won't be dictated by the barrier of languages but rather intent of the speaker behind their words. This communication method, later named Aeroratum, becomes the cornerstone of The Alliance's foreign affairs. 

Basically, she was that scary a mother that her son changed the course of history in order to keep things peaceful.

Christ... I'm terrible at writing narratives in English. This is why I write in Japanese folks. 





Wow this is awesome i always wanted to know what type of person Rhegan was and now i do! :D This is a very interesting entry and information this makes me want to play StP even more now because its bound to have more Rhegan's backstory :3 *cheers* both Rhegan types look good with the hairstyles in fact id use both? because the left one looks like her formal haircut whereas the other feels like her battle hair or when she wants to get crazy lol also it resembles Selphines hair wavey curls lols i actually got wavey curly long thick hair maybe i have a bit of Royalty in me too :P jks I like her hair colours but i was expecting a little more red and black or a red dark brown due to her evil nature and bloodshed? i like the purple hints, purple is always a colour of royalty or class :P Also i was wondering would she look better with you know how ritona has her hair plaid? would it work with Rhegans hair being down? Btw just out of curiosity.. have you every tried experimenting with gradient hair colours? like for example.. iv noticed on a few MMO's iv played (Tera or Aion) theres a hairstyle that has 2 types of colours like the bottom half has red and the top has black. Just a thought incase you guys are running out of styling options :P


It's always really cool to see how thorough you guys make your work. All the back story and detail in every character and their history is amazing. It's rare to see companies or any artists do this with their work and it just makes it that much better. Please don't ever compromise on your detail and everything you make will have so much more life. Keep up the amazing work, thank you.


Well said, i have to agree with you on that aswell :D


I know how you feel when it comes to communicating into to a language that isn't your native one. When I was in 19 I taught myself how to speak German, and when it comes communicating with others I have to translate from what my thoughts are in English to German and it can be such a major pain in the ass. But I will say this though you English is really good. English can be a brutal language to learn, but I have never see any major errors from any of your post or replies. Color me impressed you speak good English.


Actually, from what I was told, he is a native speaker of English, from LA. It's just that he's actually more comfortable conveying his stories in Japanese.


That character design is so excellent, it really does fit the fierce atmosphare that Rhegans personality projects