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This was unexpected... it wasn't that long ago we broke the $1200 milestone and that took a few months. In just a little over 30 days, we jumped from $1200 to $2k. Thank you all so much for the support. We're really kinda flabbergasted at the rate this thing is growing. 

Unfortunately, there has been an artificial increase of around $75 from one of our Patrons (we asked him/her to pay for something via a Patreon pledge increase) so in reality we are actually a bit short. We didn't think it'd be a problem because we genuinely didn't think we'd hit 2k this fast... (we're on the last day of September too)

We'll tell you what though. We're going to upgrade and completely bilingualize (thats a word right?) our official homepage anyways. I think we're close enough this counts. Meanwhile we'll be thinking of the next goal. Casting Hare-san's drawing sessions might be cool but this is more if a tier thing than a milestone... 

If anyone has suggestions of goods you'd like to see us make, please leave a comment below. 

Oh also, how much are you guys willing to pay if we ever made a really nice 1/8 scale figure of one of the characters? You know.. those ones that cost like 7500 ~ 8000 yen on average? They're very expensive to make... and we don't really want to make them if we can't at least break even.

Anyways, thanks everyone for the support! You guys are great! 



Melsa Hvarei

Oh yes, yes, figures would be amazing!


Arrange CDs would be cool, like "OST REMIXES!!!?" or something. I've seen a few people make arranges of their own game music. Who knows maybe you could get guest musicians on board as well.


Would happily pay that amount for 1/8 scales homg. Congrats on hitting milestone goal!!


Being the one that originally asked for it... Of course I would be willing to give you all of my money. All of it... Wait I still need to eat and make money to give you money... This is a bad idea...

Christopher Martarano

Congrats guys! Looking forward to whatever the next goal is. I'm not sure on the scope or time it would take, but maybe for a goal you can do a small Kinetic novel focused on a characters background/history? Like, it could be all of 30 minutes long or less.


Firstly congrats on Milestone of 2k!! :D *claps* i was so surprised at how quickly your patreon has grown in this month :P secondly my payment will be sent through tomorrow its just my boss hasnt sent my work pay yet and it got delayed a day so tomorrow you should receive some from me. As for Merchandising (figurines) i think you guys should hold off on it until you get some money raised for it maybe? Maybe make one of the milestones into Donations for merchandise store so you guys can arrange new products etc..? just a thought. I wouldnt mind buying shirts/hoodie/key chain of Fault. Maybe you can start with plushies until you arrange enough time/money for proper figurines? but it depends on peoples demands. Also a suggestion for a new Milestone goals.. i really would like to get a chance at seeing a Live Stream of your work wether it be animation/drawing. I think it would be good and viewers can engage in it too if you live stream it to youtube or twitch.tv :) it would be really great to see it. Maybe show us a little "sneak peek" at a scene from StP? Teehee its only a thought though :D Personally i think you guys should take 1 thing at a time. Us as an audience can wait for these things and anticipation is the best source of medicine for your viewers then it makes them want it more. You guys only just moved to the new place :P no rush guys take your time we're still waiting for the OST too Rune's face is the same face ill be making once i get to play StP muhahahah :D


For a 1/8 scale PVC figure, I'd pay about ¥7500-¥12,000, depending on detail and make.


I would most certainly snap up every single figure i could get my hands on, Damned Plasticrack... And super congratulations on the 2k! Now i will spin in my chair in joy


Figures? I was waiting for this! Ok, i would most likely buy them all lol. 8 to 13k yen for each figure is fine by me. Also depends on quality of course. Bring ALTER to produce Fault figures or Goodsmile haha (partly joking here, but those are pretty good manufactures. Anyway bet ya know this already) And again congrats on the 2nd milestone! it's good to be a patreon for you guys :)


Definitely would pick up a figure. Hope 1/7 scale is considered as well as there is more room for finer details.


Ritona figure on my shelf would make my year. I'd pay whatever will help you break even. As for other good, I would like some prints I think. Congrats again.


Congrats on the success of the patreon, you guys deserve it. As for the figure, YES please make one and I'm sure (including myself) would buy whatever the cost. I personally would really want a Ritona figure. Maybe you could make a few design choices and have the community vote on their favorite and once you get a quote from a manufacturer you can do some kind of pre-order so you can guarantee your funds. Whoever makes the recent Tales of (Tales of Xillia / Tales of Xillia 2) figures for the collectors editions does a really good job on those, maybe look into them. For milestones... - More merchandise - Maybe like a short book of in depth looks at each character's background and a bit more in depth look at who they are, with some cool art in there as well. Ill add more as I think of them, I really want something cool.


おめでとうございます! <del>Meanwhile Sesterce is being a party pooper in that other thread...</del>


If you could get one of the popular makers (ALTER, GSC, Max Factory) to do it, I'd say ¥12,000. I'd probably still support it from a less popular maker as well. Another idea to possibly consider would be a less detail intensive sculpt, say, inspired from the recent tapestry sold. Could end up with something like (<a href="http://myfigurecollection.net/item/54771)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://myfigurecollection.net/item/54771)</a> and be more affordable and easier to package. Still, I think I'd prefer something more detailed, even at a higher price. Congrats on the milestone!


If you made figures I would buy them all aa


For the scale, I'd be willing to pay ¥15,000 inc. shipping.

Eternal Wanderer

If you can impress my with StP as much as you did with previous Fault games I will consider it. Though if you released a figure of magical girl Ritona from this tweet <a href="https://twitter.com/munisix/status/583096174036430848" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/munisix/status/583096174036430848</a> I would buy it instantly because the look on her face is priceless


I want a fault branded flamethrower.

Azaria Limuli

I'd be all over Fault figures if they were made, it would mainly depend on my finances at the time, but they would be a priority so I would almost certainly get them if they were made. For 1/8, I'd prefer something more in the 8000-9000 range but if the figures are as nice as I imagine, then I'd be willing to pay a decent bit more, maybe up to around 12,000 yen.


I would love a fault figure if they came out. How much I'd pay is more an issue of whether I actually can than whether I'd be willing to - my budget's pretty tight as it is - but let's say anything under $100 would work depending on how much advanced notice I got, also depending on shipping fees.


Congratulations on reaching $2000 milestone... again. :)


This is actually the real celebration lol. It's an organic success


Haha, I was trying to make the number exactly $2000 but it looks like it's back down now :( On the subject of figures I would be willing to go even 10k+ if they really can be as good as the big figuremakers, whatever the shipping fees are. (All three main characters would be the dream but I would really love to see a Rune figure!)


We had an issue with one of our patrons yesterday he decided to leave. We're pretty sure it'll go past 2k in no time. Thanks for your support though! Nice touch on the 67 cents lol.


Bump. I wish I knew about this Patreon earlier. Welcome back to 2K.


You're a champ! Thanks for the support, and welcome to the community~!