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Vilserio everyone.

As we did for MS1, we're at the stage now where we can confidently compile credits name for MS2a! This name will be used for both the Nintendo Switch version and Playstation 4 version. Just as a refresher, here's the rule of thumb: if you have joined the Triple Kravter tier at any point in time in the past year, you will be listed as a supporter in the credits even if you have dropped out.

To those who qualify, please fill out the form here: MS2a ending credits name form. 

  • We are doing the form again in case people want to be listed as something other than their Patreon username. The deadline to fill out the form will be March 20th of 2020.
  • If you do not fill out the form but qualify for credits, we will default to crediting your Patreon username.
  • If you have changed your E-mail address for whatever reason in the past year, please note so in the form.
  • IMPORTANT: We cannot accept non-alphabet/numeral characters. Foreign language submissions will be eliminated without warning so please write your name down using standard alphabets (accents are accepted but if our font does not support it, we will default to the bare character). 

As per usual hit us up if you have any questions! Have a wonderful day everyone.



現在開発中の「fault - milestone two 上」もいい感じで移植作業が進んでおります!

過去1年間に Triple Kravter ($20) 以上でご支援頂いた方で、クレジットの記載をご希望の方も、ご希望でない方も以下の申請フォームよりご記入をお願い致します。




  • 過去1年間でTriple Kravter以上のティアで支援した方が対象です(決済が完了しなかった方は対象外です)。
  • クレジット申請フォームにてお申し出がない場合、Patreonのユーザー名をクレジットさせて頂きます。ただし、ユーザー名が半角英数以外の場合は掲載の対象外です。
  • 支援者様のお名前とトータル支援金データはPatreonでご登録のメールアドレスで紐付けを行っております。過去1年間でメールアドレスを変更された場合、同一人物として掲載されない場合がございますので申請フォームにそって、その旨をご記入ください。


MS2a End Credit Names!!

ENG: We're collecting your name to list in the credit roll for fault - milestone two side: above console! We're doing a form because not everyone wants to be listed as their Patreon handle. ◆ここ翻訳必要:クレジットは2019年3月〜2020年3月までにご支援頂いた方が対象です JP: fault - milestone two上のNintendoSwitch移植ではクレジットロールを新しくすることになりました。 そこで、いつもPatreonにてご支援頂いている皆様のお名前も掲載させて頂きますので、ご希望の方は掲載名を本フォームよりご記入くださいませ! ※クレジットは2019年3月〜2020年3月までにご支援頂いた方が対象です



I have a question. I recall for the credits of MS1, Patreons who weren't at the $20 tier were also listed in the credits, provided they had been a Patreon long enough to donate more than $20 in total. Since I don't see any mention of anything like that in here, I wanted to ask if it's just limited to Triple Kravters and higher this time around?


Thanks for the comment. We've DMed you with a full answer~!