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Vilserio folks!

We were given the green light to share the novelization of fault - milestone one with our patrons! This will be an ongoing perk for everyone singlekravter and above. If everything goes well we should march right into MS2a as well. Many thanks to UD-Reverse for letting us share this project with our Patrons!

Also a big shoutout to Zeroblade, our official translator of the fault series, for localization of the novel.

We hope you enjoy!




Crimson Flames and the Light of Determination


The twilight sky was enveloped in flames. 

With the castle gate razed to the ground, the flames have already spread to the surrounding town and encircled the castle itself, dying it red.

Having lived in idyllic peace for the longest time, the Kingdom of Rughzenhaide was now on the verge of utter collapse.

As for the soldiers who were to protect the country – some were burned to ash; others were cut down by malevolent black shadows that accompanied the flames. None of them able fulfill their duty to their country.

However, not all of the retainers were dead.

On the castle’s balcony overlooking the castle’s vicinity, stood a lone girl facing off against the assailants.

Her name: Ritona Reighnvhasta.

She was the last of the descendants of the Reighnvhastas, a family that has served the Rughzenhaide royalty as their Guardians. 

Nearly 20 years of age, she had a tough, firm look to her. Her red eyes gleamed with determination.

Clad in a stately dress, her outfit was wrapped in a deep purple cloak that covers her entire body.

What drew the assailant’s attention first though, was the gleaming badge at the collar of her neck – a sign of her kravter’s rank. 

“A dual…!” 

The one facing against Ritona raised their voice in surprise. 

To be considered a dualkravter, one has to have mastered manipulation of two of the four types of mana: pyro, aqua, terra, and aero.

For someone who was even yet to reach 20, to have achieved the title was a true feat. 

The assailant looked to be taken aback – but only for a moment – and quickly regained a smirk of reassurance.

Her name was Koko. Younger than even Ritona, her appearance was that of a 12 or 13 year old. However, it was clear to anyone that she was no ordinary little girl. 

Her body was covered in splashes of blood from the countless many that she had massacred on her way to the castle.

A little girl that smiled while bathed in freshly drawn blood could not possibly be an ordinary little girl.

“…What do you want? Why are you after Selphine?”

Her guard still up, Ritona kept an eye on the girl’s every single movement as she tried to dig out her true motives. 

The child assailant’s target was most likely the girl under her protection: Princess Selphine.

Seeing her precise movements in the castle, it was clear that attack was planned from the very start. Considering the attack’s pinpoint timing, taking place just as the king was away, it wasn’t difficult to surmise that the princess was who they were after.

Ritona herself was already certain with her conjecture, but posed the question to the attacker regardless, hoping to draw out even the slightest bit more information from her. 


Clearly displeased, Koko snapped back– 

“Hah! Ahahahaha! I think you’ve got the wrong idea here!”

And laughed at Ritona.

“Listen here: this is a one-sided attack on you. It’s up to us whether you all live or die. Understand? Do you get what I’m saying?”

The town was still ablaze, the fires reaching into the castle. There were also countless intruders deep inside the castle.

Just as Koko said, this was indeed a one-sided attack. Given that she doesn’t have a full grasp of the enemy’s own forces, the possibility that she could repulse all attackers was close to nil. 

Regardless, the light of determination in Ritona’s eyes did not fade.

Seeing Ritona’s expression, Koko sneered – but only for a moment – then quickly returned to a serious expression and continues:

“All you need to do is look us in the eye and answer our questions. Well, if you wanna die, that’s a different story.”

There was clear murderous intent in her voice the moment she said the word “die”.

Having understood the meaning behind those words, Ritona nodded and muttered “…I see” under her breath.

“Oh, judging by your clothes, you’re a servant here or something, aren’t you? Do you know where Selphine is?”

Koko reminded Ritona of their positions in this confrontation and provoked her further:

“C’mon, do you know? Or don’t you?”

Ritona remained silent. Koko provoked her further.

In response, Ritona slackened her expression and retorted, “…And what if I do?”

“For real?! Let’s make a deal! You tell me where she is, and I don’t murder you.”

“Oh hoh? And what if I say ‘no’?”

Ritona attempted to get a read of Koko from her reaction.

“Oh, really. Well, if you don’t tell me, then I’ll kill you. I think that makes things a bit clearer, doesn’t it?”

“Hehehe!” Koko snickers, after threatening Ritona.

“…So that’s how it is.”

Ritona remained unfazed by Koko’s reaction. In fact, she smiled.

“…You’ve just been messing with me, haven’t you? Are you aware of the situation you’re in? Are you just so scared that you went crazy?”

After seeing Ritona unperturbed from their situation and unwilling to give into her threats, Koko still seemed composed, but began to show signs of irritation.

“I swear, you are pissing me off… Next time you give me a stupid answer, I’m going to murder you in front of Selphine.”

“That’s Princess, to you.”


“That’s ‘Princess’ Selphine – you little wench.”

Though Ritona’s eyes were cool and collected, fury began to flare from her eyes.


Feeling pressured from Ritona’s spirit, Koko faltered backwards without realizing.

“I don’t know what could possibly have inspired all of you to attack the royal family, but… to address the princess of a country without her title? Know your place. For you to do something so crude, that must mean whatever cause you’re fighting for isn’t worth its salt.”

“—Excuse me?!”

Koko’s eyebrows furled in anger.

“Words are pointless now – have at me.”

The fearless smile vanished from Koko’s face.

“Things would have gotten violent regardless – so why don’t I teach you the rules of this world?” 

Ritona returned to her battle stance.

“…Were you even listening to me? Do you actually plan to fight me like this? Or what, you think you’re so hot just because you’re a dualkravter? Are you retarded?! You can’t possibly be this stupid, can you?! That title of yours means nothing outside of the Alliance!”

Koko gets into a tirade, clenching the staff in her hand.

“Come on!”

Meanwhile, Ritona replied curtly and gripped the sword in her hand.

Reflected on the blade are the twilight sky; the flames surrounding the castle; and Koko herself as they faced off.

“Wha—?! You, is– is that… G-Glass?! A glass sword?! Do you really plan on fighting me with that?!”

Just as Koko said, what Ritona held in her hand was a glass sword.

No matter how hard it may have been tempered, glass is still glass.

“That it is. What of it?”

“You’re nothing but a glassmith – an artisankravter – and you dare to fight me?!”

“Enough babbling. Have at me little girl – you’re nothing but talk.”

“I swear, you keep calling me a little girl… Quit treating me like a kid, you—!!”

Koko screamed with all her might.

Contrary to Ritona’s expectations however, she did not just charge right at her.

Why isn’t she approaching? Is she trying to buy time?

Ritona began to ponder why Koko hadn’t acted on impulse. Meanwhile, Koko—

“I don’t even know who you are, but we don’t have time to waste on an artisankravter like you!”

During her outburst, Koko struck the floor twice with the end of her staff.

The next moment, lines of light appeared beneath Ritona’s feet.


The lines raced across the floor of the balcony, drawing the shape of a triangle.

“A ranged attack?! She isn’t a battlekravter?!” 

Surrounded by the triangle of light, Ritona recalled the sensation of battle.

“I’m gonna kill you in one shot! Diiieeeee!”

Koko screamed at Ritona once again.

“Triangle Incineration!”

Right as Koko screamed, the light underneath Ritona’s feet pulsed brightly.


There is a moment’s silence—

A torrent of crimson flames burst forth from the triangle under Ritona, creating a pillar of fire towards the sky.

The conflagration tore into the twilight sky, burning everything within its path to ashes.

With the sparks still floating in the air, the lone young assailant merely looked ahead into the blaze, a huge smile on her face.



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