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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

The plan is that this will be our last patch in Unreal 4.27. We will now fully focus on Unreal 5.3 and we should only make another patch in Unreal 4 in case the fixes for Unreal 5 are taking too long. And in this case, we would just add audio to the new cutscenes.

This patch is an interesting milestone because combined with version 0.24.0, the game now has 4 activities for you to find while exploring the world. It's not as many as the legacy version but given the time it took for us to implement them, I can safely assume that once we start to fully focus on quest content, we'll be able to fill the world much faster than we ever did before. Thanks for all the hard work from the team and especially to Henrique, for improving the way we trigger events and how they are saved, Sergey, who has worked on new emotes and Baha Tan, who has worked on putting the pieces together on the latest cutscenes we added.

We have also added two new beautiful ladies to the game, the elf Ilreth, who can already be found in the world, and Nemesis, who now can only be seen at the gallery because she'll show up in a very specific quest we plan to add in the future. 

Here's the complete changelog:

Kalyskah 0.24.1


  • Fixed cleavage morphs on clothing;
  • Fixed infinite loop on dialogue option when speaking with Ursula;
  • Kalyskah's legion gloves were readded to the game (But you need to start a new game to get them)


  • General improvements on level design also removed the vegetation sway to improve the performance;
  • Reduced the number of NPCs spawned in the world to improve performance;
  • Fixed some of the particle effects in the world to improve performance;
  • Temporary distance checker for NPC spawners until NPC manager is implemented. This should make it so NPCs aren't spawned until Kalyskah gets very close to the area they should be in;
  • Michael will now sit at the library and Ilreth will be next to him;


  • New world event: Captive Rescue
  • New world event: By the Bushes
  • New combat style: Scythe (Some of the animations are a work in progress)
  • New NPC: Ilreth, you can buy weapons and sell to her the items you loot; Ilreth also comes with a whole new voice-set at the gallery (by Pixie Willow)

  • New Gallery Only NPC: Nemesis

  • 2 new female/female/male Threesome animations
  • Completely redone the Long Fuzzy hairstyle and a combed version of it as well (we'll need to tweak the physics later)


If you are not a patron, you can download the public demo by following this LINK. But we recommend you get it through the Itch app since it will auto-update the game when you have a new version to download.

Follow these instructions if you are a patron, you can download the game following these instructions:


  • Itch: Link your account HERE, and download the game HERE. If you have Itch's launcher, the game will auto-update itself.


Kalyskah version 0 24 preview

Hello everyone, this is a quick preview of the content we are adding to this patch: https://www.patreon.com/posts/97192932/ -------------------------------- Kalyskah is an RPG game with Erotic elements where the player will be able to make immersive quests and explore a dark fantasy world from the point of view of a vampire! The game is still in early development, and you can play an early build of it here: https://nobrelobo.itch.io/kalyskah Check our website for all our links: https://www.kalyskah.com/ Join our discord community: https://discord.gg/qTx9Csv Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nobrelobo Support us on Subscribestar: https://subscribestar.adult/nobrelobo And check out our merch! https://crowdmade.com/collections/kalyskah-team



great update but ursula dialouge is bugged. the characters just stand there and stare at each other lol. have to quit the game to get out of it. otherwise everything else is aces


we need chinese


We are working on a system to add translations to the game. Perhaps someday after the early access begins we can study the budget and see what can be done.


Can you make the vegetation sway an optional graphics setting rather than removing it?