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Hello everyone!

We have recently released our page on Steam, and to celebrate this we put together a few milestones of how your wishlists can help us to speed up the process of development and our ambition, while also offering you an insight into things we'd like the game to have.

So tell all your friends about our game and remember to wishlist us and help us grow on Steam's recommendations!

ps: German players can wishlist us too!

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who wishlisted us! We have reached our first milestone!




huh, thats weird. i could actually wishlist it. normally games like this are "not available in your country."


If you are in Germany, we did open a ticket with Steam and discussed how we'll approach the erotic content, splitting things between the base game and a DLC so people in Germany could still get the game =)


I'm most excited about the 20K+ rewards. Let's do this guys!