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Hello everyone, Corintio here!

We've been working like crazy people this month. And the next demo will really show it when our patrons compare it to what we released last month.

There has been progress in every single front of development, but to avoid making this post extremely massive, I'll pinpoint just some of it:

  • We have written 13 new scripts. 10 for characters in the Garden of Earthly Delights, the new dungeon intro, and then reworked the dialogue between Kalyskah and Michael the Wise and then Nemesis.

  • We have voiced 8 of these new scripts so far. But then the budget of the month burned and we will need to wait for the month to end so we can withdraw again and voice the ones that remain.

  • The Inventory is not going to hit the FPS as hard as it was before, as we have redone the logic of how we open it.

  • We have finally fixed the problem that made you unable to save the settings you had on the game, now we are working on fixing the input customisation.

  • The combat now works as it did in version 0.24, our Patreons probably saw that we had issues converting the game to Unreal 5 and now we fixed them all.

  • We improved the way we implement idle poses for characters, so the Undead will stand differently than a normal character, and we will soon implement the same to make so Merishya, Nemesis and other important NPCs will have different idle and movement poses to better represent their personalities.

  • We have made massive improvements to Kalyskah's temple, completely reworking her prison and making things pop in the eyes much more than they ever had before.

  • Merishya's armour has been redone, check the pictures above and you can also see a teaser of how the Garden of Earthly Delights will look.

  • We remade the claw attack animations so Kalyskah shows more of her sassy\arrogant personality as she peels her foes' faces with her fingernails!

  • We have opened a new casting call to get more actors on board the game and have more unique voices for the new characters we are adding.

  • We have finally started to implement a proper tutorial at the beginning of the game.

  • We drew the blueprints of what will eventually become a system where you'll be able to break some objects while fighting enemies in the game!

  • We made the Arena Level, the Garden of Blood. Which is a place where you will need to survive waves of enemies that will come to fight you

  • We improved the performance of our UI.

What comes next?

We will focus on testing and bug hunt at the same time that we improve the looks of the undead and make sure that the game flow in the revised dungeon is as smooth as we want. We will soon begin to create cutscenes for the dialogues that will happen inside the garden of earthly delights!

Last month we made the call and asked everyone who could, to pledge to our project so we could boost production and we managed to go from 3,9k to 5k on our budget this month. It allowed us to work so fast that I admit that even I am having a hard time catching up!!

Those who have access to our GitHub channel on Discord can see that we are pushing things every day. So I thank you all for that amazing support. Nothing would be possible without you!

And a huge thanks to DK, who pledged 800 USD to our game this month!!!




Awesome, looking forward to you publishing this game

Alberto Feliciano

🤔 Xena, Yes definitely Xena in a diabolical version