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Hello everyone!

I wanted to share with you the results of the poll we ran both here and in our Subscribestar. Here are the female characters that were voted:


And the Male Characters:

So I was thinking about the results and realised that there are two characters that I shouldn't have actually added to the poll: Merishya and Ilreth. Merishya would need to be there anyway after the player takes her out of the prison in the dungeon. And Ilreth... well, we did invest a lot on her clothing and weapon not to have her appearing in the Garden now 😋

James shouldn't be in the garden as well because while writing the dungeon I realised that... Kalyskah is going after him during that stage of the game, if she saw him there she would probably make a bloodbath.

For the others, we are selecting from the most voted and here's the list we came up with so far:

  • Merishya: Your friendly neighbourhood succubus, only available at the end of the dungeon so we will write her dialogues last;

  • Catherine: The protagonist of the game Rise of the White Flower, who will be there studying erotic books!

  • Ilreth: The artificer elf that seems to have a taste for pain;

  • Jessie: The easily-impressed-by-gold nurse who seems to have a secret kinky life;

  • Gabriela: The half-elf vampire that mounts an Imp (I'll see what we can do about the Imp but we might need to add him only after the Steamfest);

  • Heather: The French vampire that has a heart of gold;

  • Henrysson: A dominant bandit who is also the gatekeeper of Millhaven;

  • Eckhart: The mean bandit lord that is plotting to take over Millhaven;

  • Maynard: The honourable... but still violent current leader of Millhaven;

  • Rulfio: The experienced warrior that will probably be there to make sure Maynard is protected.

The others will be added in time, and we might not be able to finish writing all the dialogues in time for the Steamfest, so we'll probably work in a ratio of 2 female characters, then one male, then two other females and so on.

I hope you enjoyed the selection, and as time goes by we'll be adding new characters to it.




No mean bandit lady 😞. Eckhart sounds cool though