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Hello everyone!

Thank you to everyone who raised their pledge or pledged to our game in the past few days, especially to DK, who pledged to the DARK LORD tier after months in the Nightstalker Tier. My friend, we'll be naming the founder of Millhaven after you and adding a statue with your name in the city!

The great help you have all given to us allowed us to expand the team to make a push this month and improve on the level design, bug hunting, user interface and also some technical things on Kalyskah's rig so we can finally start adding some jiggly physics. I know you've been wanting it!

I can't stress enough how much you are all helping us to make this dream come true and we won't disappoint you. If we manage to reach 4.5k on our monthly income, it means we'll be able to keep the new members we are bringing into the team so this whole transition to Unreal 5 can go faster and we can get back on track to implement new features and content.

We've been pouring our heart into this project and everything we have achieved so far is all thanks to your amazing feedback and support. Soon we'll have more news on the progress we've made over the past few weeks and mark the date: 15th of May. I am sure you will like to see the improvements in the level design we'll have by then.

The next Vampire-tier patch is planned to happen between the 20th and the 25th of this month. It won't feature the revisions on the combat but we plan to excel in stability and performance on this patch. This will be a huge step when all the pieces of the puzzle will start to fall into place. The next public demo will be released in June.

With care, Kalyskah team.


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