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Hello patrons!

We are aware that the latest demo is rough around the edges, most of it is because we couldn't add all the graphics settings necessary to make the game compatible with videocards without RTX support and also fully fix the input system that unreal 5 uses.

Still, if you are facing crashes and other sort of problems, please post it below so we can create a task list to address these issues asap.

Let us know if you also have any positive feedback about the direction we are going because it helps us to focus on improving things in these areas as well!



Loving the new look, it really does look next generation. Got the "fatal error" prompt quite a few times and I'm using a laptop nvidia rtx 3060 graphics card. Lag mainly happened after opening chest and inventory (fixed with a reload game). Also found that sometimes, you couldn't see the outfit changes until you came out of the inventory menu. When stable though, the animations and new physics were quite smooth.


Yeah same issues as above but loving the U5 upgrade, can’t wait for more. The sex scene is a bit weird as they always seem to be swapping positions or get aroused or tired too quickly so I always end up disabling it. And when you encourage to speed up he’s always like no, you can do better than that 😂