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We are almost in May... God how fast time passes 😦

>Write your request in the comments (max two characters, no sets), and if I agree I will add it for the next poll. If you have doubts you can ask me without problems. I'll create the poll with all your suggestions in a day or two. The winner will be with Simple Shadow style.

Thank you very much for your support!  ❤


* I have noticed that the requests that have a small description or context, have much more votes than the rest.

For example:

-'A female feral dragon who is dressed like a very expensive escort girl is offering her services to a human guy.'

This would have had fewer votes if the user had just written to me just that:

- 'male human x female dragon'

This is not always the case, but normally these options have fewer votes and some disadvantage compared to those that have something more detailed. That is why I encourage you to write a short description of your idea, (although not too long because I cannot put  long texts in the polls). But it is not an obligation, of course. 🙇‍♂️



Female Chaos Elfilis being "defeated" by a human guy

Edgar Castro

A Female Alpha Garchomp "marking" a human male as her "territory"


A female Zinogre, belly squishing a male hunter while having sex, claiming him as her mate.


A female feral dragon in lingerie charms a knight into fucking her. She is all smug about this and like "Who is your princess now, eh?".


Female anthro dragon (can be the anthro royal dragoness) squishing, kissing, and mating with her male human lover on the bed in reverse missionary position.


Female Kurama fucking a human male in cowgirl position while holding him down and dominating him

Kyle Moylan

Female Dewgong and M trainer at a secluded beach in a loving embrace, ready for a night of passion


Giant Alphys (Undertale) fucking monster kid in the amazon position


a lugia having some fun with a humen but shes a bit to big for him where she sits on him but her pussy covers hes all body as hes squashed underneath it to the ground


Male human and female serperior hugging each other in the bedroom


me every time I see 'belly squish' in a request https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMzliODc4Y2MtNDE4Ny00NTFjLThlMDItZGQ3M2NmNGYwNDAxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3OTE4Nzk@._V1_.jpg