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As I warned, I want to prepare another list this month for those who want to ask me for commissions here.

I want to try not to make too long a list, that's why it's only 10 slots. But in the following lists I will prioritize those who did not get a slot here. I want try everyone to have their commission sooner or later. 


-> Send me a PM saying you are interested and the details of the commission (If I do not respond at the moment do not worry).

-> Provide a detailed and clear description of what you want, poses, character references, expressions, etc., and following the template that I offer below. But try not to be overly detailed or it will be too difficult to make it happen.

-> Remember that I am not good at English, so not using complex expressions and providing other similar drawings and references will help a lot!

-> I will notify you when I start with your comm and I will give you the sketch to adjust some changes.

-> Then I'll finish the drawing. You can publish it wherever you want, it's yours.


Try to follow this template:

1-Name, contact, and paypal email:

2-Type of commission: sketch, flat color, etc.

3-Characters and references:

4-description of the scene:


6-Other details:

7-references from other similar drawings always help!


Prices have increased, but now I offer the simple shading option. I want to do more of this type because it doesn't take me as long as full shading and visually I like it better.

A-Pokemon sketch (like in the sets style)  35 €. Max 2 characters and x3 sketches per commission. *Legendary pokemon might increase the price a bit.

B-Flat color: 50-70 € (depending on complexity). Extra character: 30-40 €.

C-Simple shading: 60-80 € (depending on complexity). Extra character: 35-45 €.

D-Full shading: 80-100 € (depending on complexity). Extra character: 50-60 €.

Background can cost between 10- 70 € depending on the complexity and type of shading.

Extra details and variants can cost between  10-20 € extra.

*Complexity: basic pokémon and simple designs will have the lowest price. Humans will be in between, and winged dragons or creatures with more complex designs and colors will have the higher price.



Are you reopening polls soon? Feels like it’s been a really long time.


Yes! Now that I have finished the lapras pack I can make them again. The problem is that I have lost money making the pack and I need to recover a little. But surely today I will open the next poll. for december. thanks for your patience.


In the future, do you think you will open a black and white only sketch?