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Good afternoon!

As the title says. I'm going to start offering commissions for patreon followers (Yeah finally 😅). 

In the next few months drawing will be my main source of income, so I will need to increase the money I earn. Although I also want to offer you the opportunity in case some of you were tired of not winning in the polls.

Unfortunately I'm not too fast yet so I can't offer many slots at the moment. I've been having time all week for this since May but I'm only able to do one or two drawings per week at the moment. I had thought of three slots at the beginning to test, and offer more in the future if many of you demand a slot too. (I will continue to make polls of course, although a little less).

Tomorrow I will update the prices, so if anyone interested in get a slot can tell me in the comments or in PM if you prefer. 

Thank you very much for your support and your help once again. 😊



I think I might be interested! ^^


Pika?! Commissions?! Count me in!


I'd love a commission slot too please.

Jacob Douglas

I'd love. A slot aswell


I’d love a slot! Thanks so much Pika!


I will happily take one.


I will take one too. Been waiting for this :)


Sign me up for one, if there's any room left ^_^

Furry Lover

I would like to take one too,but I "supported once your art directly",so if there is no more room for me,I would not be dissapointed !