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Hello peeps, it's been some time! I currently have exams looming around the corner so I'm taking a week or so from now to focus on studying. 

Just a heads up so that people can plan their subscriptions and know that I'm not inactive, I'm simply just busy for this first half of the month. Rest assured, after this round there will be no other interruptions until summer exams :>

Thanks all for understanding!



I’ve got pandora working and it’s like a dream! FNIS and Nemesis stuff working together! Never would have thought. Love the UI and the ease of it. Very quick too. Keep up the good work!


… I have a doubt: so far I have used that trick that makes FNIS and Nemesis work together. If I install Pandora what do I do with the 2 (FNIS and Nemesis) do I keep something activated from them, or don't even need their FNIS and Nemesis Output mods... and one more thing: Pandora finds a lot of animations when running (over 22000) … although FNIS + Nemesis together can't find more than 2000 animations) … and Pandora doesn't work unless I lower the animation threshold below 16000 … not sure about that number either!