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Heya peeps, it's been some time!

Here's something I've been cooking for a while. Remember that half-baked knockout mechanic from Book of Shadows?

This mod expands it to be a whole new dimension of gameplay!


- SKSE64

- Address Library for SKSE Plugins

- Skyrim SE/AE with exe version < 1.6.1130 (the latest update)


- NPCs with the "unconscious" state now actually act like they're unconscious and ragdoll instead of standing there unresponsive.*

- Unconscious NPCs now wake up after a configurable amount of in-game time.

- Unaware NPCs can be knocked out from behind through bashing.

- Essential NPCs can go into an unconscious state instead of going into bleedout recovery state when their HP falls to 0.

- NPCs in bleedout (kneeling when close to death) can now be bashed to knock them out instead of killing them outright.

- Knocking out NPCs is a crime... but only if there are witnesses.

- Unconscious NPCs are lootable, but only if they were hostile to the perpetrator prior to being knocked out. This is to prevent abuse of the knockout system to loot neutral NPCs in cities.

- Essential NPCs are not lootable under any circumstances while unconscious. This is to prevent quest-breaking bugs.

- Configurable through Settings.ini file.

*does not apply to papyrus function for compatibility reasons with other mods

Important Information:

Note that this mod, like all SKSE plugins, can be removed safely mid-playthrough. However, unconsciousness is a status that is originally in the vanilla game so it is baked into the save along with actor data. So removing this plugin while there are unconscious NPCs may make it so that they never recover.

To set/unset unconscious status on NPCs, use the console commands while the plugin is installed

setunconscious 1


setunconscious 0

Author's Note:

I'm really excited about what this mod brings to my playthrough! Plenty of times I've wished I could subdue enemies fast without killing them, either because I don't want the bounty or because it doesn't fit the background of my character.

Outside of quest specific fights, this should make a non-lethal playthrough much easier.

v0.1.1 - Fixed Error 126 - if you didn't get this issue an update is not required.




Does this play well with Book of Shadows if we still have it installed? Or is there anything we need to do for compatibility?

Red Chew Toy

This is very cool. Do you know if it works with something like Acheron or Paradise Halls? Currently Acheron doesn't recognize the knockout from BoS. I'm running a thief playthrough and loving the gameplay of BoS, but I want to be able to tie up, loot, and maybe sell my captives.

Red Chew Toy

Oh - and would this work with Backported Extended ESL Support for the exe support? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441


This sits as an alternative to the Bleedout Revamp, yea? In that, there's too much overlap to consider running both.


ah yeah I don't know how this will interact with other mods that touch bleedout. you can always turn off the bleedout override in this mod though


I'm not sure what Acheron does under the hood so I can't give a definitive answer unfortunately. You'll have to try it and see


Hello, NPCs don't seem to ragdoll when I knock them out. They just walk in place, or rather just continue to do the bleed out animation without moving from their spot. The game lets me search them and take their stuff, but no ragdoll. Any ideas what I can do? *Edit: Actually, I think the game is just treating the unconscious npcs as dead. Tested with console commands, and when I put them unsconscious, I can't undo it since they die, and the resurrect command instead brings them back. They still stand back up and just be unresponsive after I put them unsconscious with commands as well.


Hey, can I get the exe version, modlist, and name of the NPCs you knocked out so I can try to reproduce this?


oh, I saw your edit, you should still be able to revert the unconscious status with setunconscious 0, whether the game regards them as dead or not. You can also wait 4 hours by default to have them recover.


This is gonna be fun to play with.


quest involving npcs that invite you into fist fight cant proceed after npc awake from unconscious stage