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Hey peeps!

You haven't heard from me the first half of this month because frankly, I was focused on developing Pandora, which is now publicly hosted (be sure to update to the latest version if you're using it)

JPSteel asked about something that perked my interest a few days ago however, so I temporarily switched tracks to tinker around with behavior once again.

What does it do?

- It adds pose correction to the player character whenever they're riding a horse up/down a slope. Player now leans depending on the angle of the slope when riding a horse (see the 2nd and 3rd     pictures for more info). 

- Pose correction is customizable via ini, and does not replace animations (behavior only)

- The horse legs were slightly straightened to look more realistic.*

- Optionally, you can also enable pose correction for the horse when riding up/down hills. It looks a bit awkward however, which is why it's off by default.*

Features marked with a * only work with Pandora because they edit the horse creature behaviour; it's not a ploy, Nemesis legitimately has problems with horsebehavior.hkx because of naming conflicts.


Nemesis OR Pandora


Address Library for SKSE Plugins 


1. Install mod

2. Run engine and launch.

Future Ideas?

- Perhaps a standalone bug fix mod for horses, if you have found any bugs with vanilla leave em in the comments or message me about it.

Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments!





This is cool


This is a neat idea. Will it interfere with the recently released Riding Animation Overhaul?


compatible. what it does is entirely separate of animations. Whether it looks good with those animations or not, you'll have to see and tweak for yourself with the Settings.ini :)


Thanks. I wasn't sure if those animations were attached to what you were doing or not. I'll experiment...


Hey Monitor happy to see work continuing on Pandora, I'm a degenerate admittedly and to date I still need FNIS for more questionable pursuits, how do I go about using it alongside Pandora and do you have a ETA on when Pandora will support FNIS Anim Lists to give us a one stop shop?


Using Pandora with FNIS should be the same process as using Nemesis with FNIS, there should be a guide on Loverslab for it. As for when FNIS animlist support, I won't be able to give an exact date (and I usually don't because it's added pressure) but hopefully it should be finished before Christmas.


I'm using this with RAO and with 1.1 it worked fine, with some slight jerkiness. Now with RAO on 1.2 I tried it and the slope correction was reversed...very odd.


I cant seem to load Pandora at all through MO2, as of version 4 as soon as the window comes up it immediately crashes,.