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(Although this is supposed to be an alpha build, it's also available to tier 1 patrons as a means of compensation for the extra week this month that content was delayed because I was busy playing Baldur's Gate 3.)

Hello again folks!

Roughly a month ago I received an excellent suggestion by one of my patrons, Ele Gig. I decided to move forward with this idea and managed to produce a working proof of concept.

With this mod, every item you hover on in the inventory menu, a custom animation will play, such as polishing weapons, holding items, and displaying potions in the player's hand.

By no means is it fully tested, but it does appear to be functional. And pretty satisfying in my opinion.



Address Library for SKSE Plugins

Skyrim Souls RE - Updated

Show Player In Menus

Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine


1. Install with mod manager. Make sure esp is enabled.

2. Run Nemesis.

3. Tick patch for mod.

4. Update engine and launch.

5. Done!


Why is the dll named zAnimatedInventory instead of AnimatedInventory?

Because SKSE hooks are loaded in alphabetical order, and this plugin needs to override ShowPlayerInMenus.dll's changes. Usually it doesn't matter but for this case specifically it does.

Compatible with dynamic animation replacers like OAR?

Yes. Adjust alignment using the included meshes if it's off on the new animations.

Why are the animations kinda mid?

Repurposed vanilla animations. Better ones will come later once my animation partner Moon finishes her own stuff.

Safe to ESL flag?

Do all the necessary procedures such as compact formIDs, then flag and update the idle records and animobjects in the ini file to their new IDs.

Since it's just idle records and animobjects, I'm assuming they don't get baked into safe and are ok to update later. No guarantees though.

No animation for displaying magic spells?

Not implemented yet. Will be added later.

Updates for other mods?

They're coming. I also need to release my old projects to the public this month.

Where have you been?

Baldur's Gate 3 has consumed my life the past week. Also Shadowheart is best girl :3

As usual, submit any bugs or crashes with a corresponding crash log and modlist.

Thanks all, and enjoy!



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-10 02:56:03 Mom, get the camera! Did not expect to see this happening. Thank you for making this <3
2023-08-09 22:34:53 Mom, get the camera! Did not expect to see this happening. Thank you for making this <3

Mom, get the camera! Did not expect to see this happening. Thank you for making this <3


What does it look like


Awesome idea :D and works fine for most items. Doesn't seem to be working for bows, and some food items positions are off, like bread or meat (https://i.imgur.com/UCvO2FV.png), but for a first version it's awesome :)


This is really awesome! Would it be possible to add settings to use the inventory model for certain items? For instance I have Triple Triad installed and it is really helpful to look at the cards from that mod using the inventory models. It'd be really awesome to filter them by keyword so we could use KID to identify items we'd like to exclude from animation, like bulk excluding wigs and the like from certain mods from being animated in the inventory.


Works well, I would probably recommend that mod that brings your character over to the right while in the menu as I can't actually see this doing its thing unless I angle it perfectly before hand. Also would it be possible to edit it so that when you're sitting or something it doesn't play the animations? I use a mod for animated eating and sounds and such and opening the menu and looking at my food just stands me up on my chair so I lose my sitting and eating animations. Thank you!


out of curiosity is skyrim souls a soft requirement or hard requirement?


soft, but might as well be hard, after all how will you see the animations if the menus keep the player frozen?


Got it thanks mate


maybe a keypress that toggles the full render view, like in vanilla. I'll play around and see

Mark Fairchild

Could we have a couple of exclusion keywords? Like one keyword to put on items to indicate that they should not be flourished, and other to put on the player (using a perk or a spell or whatever) to indicate that the player should not do flourishes as long as the keyword is attached to them? Also hard agree, BG3 is life.


yes, I could, but what is the underlying issue that needs this change? For now I'll add a hotkey to toggle the normal full inventory item render on and off. I am just hesitant to introduce features that increase user complexity 😅