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I think I speak for everyone when I ask......*What do you have in mind*?

Renan da Justa

To be honest, i know we not entitled to anything you do with your free time and hobbies, but i would like to see some old mods polishing (like book of shadow?) instead a NSFW mod


haha, it's a surprise. Since I'm involved in the development of Ostim NG I think it makes sense for me to start making SKSE add-ons. Namely on the seamless integration of adult content into the game. I think there are a lot of points in quests and dialogue where such scenes make sense, and the priority is to make a flexible catch-all solution for the end user.


Don't worry, I have not forgotten about my old mods. You are the second person to say that to me today😅


hmm maybe framework for slp pluss still waiting for animlist patcher update btw lol


If we could get more old SL animations ported over that would be a great start.


Definitely not interested - not yucking anyone else's yum, but there are things you do that others don't or can't when it comes to immersion, and I want more of that - updating Dynamic Stance Framework to OAR, for example. But you have to work on what you find interesting.