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Makes NPCs spill their inventory on death, similar to looter games like Diablo IV. Weightless SKSE plugin with customizable ini.

New Features:

Loot vfx mesh shaders that give dropped items a color depending on what they are.

  • Weapons are outlined in red, armor in purple, valuables in yellow, consumables in green, and anything else in light blue.

Includes customization for VFX.

  • Ini can control shader strength and duration.
  • Effect shaders can be customized in Creation Kit to look like whatever you want.

    I opted for a simple outline in the base mod, but the shaders themselves are the same as used for most spell hit effects.

    So things like sparkles, smoke, fire, etc. are all possible by changing the parameters and textures.
  • Ini option to exclude unplayable items.
  • Ini option to exclude drops from creatures.


1. Install as a mod through your mod manager.

2. Make sure the esp plugin is enabled.

Update: (Mid Playthrough Safe)

1. Replace old mod.

2. Enable esp plugin


Choose what types of items drop from NPCs using the ini files (armor, weapons, misc). Comes with everything but armor dropped by default.

Ini can control shader strength and duration.


Add more customization options for what gets dropped.

Sound for loot, with specific clips depending on rarity

Lighting/vfx? Done!


Animated Interactions - animations for picking up loot

Better Third Person Selection - easier selection in third person

Inventory Coins - so that coins drop in a bag instead of as a giant pile

Not fully tested. Report any bugs/crashes experienced with a modlist and relevant info.

Suggestions/ideas are welcomed, leave any in the comments below. Note that posting a suggestion does not mean it will be accepted.




Let's fucking go!!!!


Had to turn it off until next update :'( it spills hunterborn tokens and other various tokens set as "not playable" so they can't be looted. Could you add those as filters in the next update?


There's a bug related to dead NPCs with spillable items on them placed manually or via script. If you do a cell transition between interior and exterior where said dead NPCs still have their loot on them, the items will just appear to be floating on top of them without physics. Tested with dead NPCs having potions on them but not sure about others. I think that already dead NPCs should be excluded from having their loot spilled.


I really like this mod but its kind of immersion breaking when I kill a bear and it drops its pelt on the floor, and the arrows I put into it as a quiver of them on the ground


I had a few ideas for features. Feel free to ignore them completely if they are more work than they are worth. - A slight delay per item "spillage". So instead of just bursting out all at once, items could have like a 150ms delay per item. So item one would come out at 150ms, item two comes out shortly after that at 300ms, then item three at 450ms, so on and so forth. If there are a lot of items I could see this becoming a problem.. but it would be EXTREMELY satisfying seeing and hearing things pop out one at a time in quick succession. - Sound Effects? It'd be awesome if we got the same "flippy" noise that diablo uses and then maybe sounds for equipment, potions, or coins. - VFX Highlight Column While your highlighting vfx work I think it'd be cool to have a small transparent light column coming off the item as well just as extra "hey look over here, LOOT!" visual. - Coin Piles While "Inventory Coins" meets the need to drop a bag of coins, the mod comes with its own issues, like being able to sell your coins or vendors coins showing up for sell. It might be better to create your own item using a "coin piles" item. There was a mod for LE long day ago that allowed you to drop piles of coins in varying sizes depending on how much you dropped but I can't for the life of me remember the name of it. - Need help? You seem to have a lot going on! I absolutely LOVE your idea for Spillage and I totally want to see it reach its final form! If you're open to it, I could lend a helping hand for simplistic fixes or features. I'm a professional software engineer with (some) experience in C# and a little experience tweaking and optimizing SKSE plugins (albeit for my own personal mod list).


Hi, thank you for the detailed suggestion! Yeah, I think a lot of the ideas you offered are very nice and I will definitely look into the sound and delayed drop idea. The highlight column is a bit harder to implement since object meshes don't accept art objects as attachments; effect shaders, while simpler, can still serve the same purpose by adding particles. Realistically I probably won't work on something like Inventory Coins for a while, since I have a lot on my plate that I want to finish up before moving on.


Attaching the flame/vfx of a torch doesn't work either? Or is the torch an exception cause the effect it is part of its nif?

Edgardo Morin Jr

Have you thought about adding a feature where certain items get added to your inventory after a kill? Kinda like the way souls games have it with currency.


this is a good idea for gold and other currency, will definitely add this feature as an option in the future update!


Just wanted to see if this was still on your list :) If not that's cool, I know there are a ton of things on your plate and amazing games have been coming out non-stop in august (I'm definitely going to disappear into Starfield when it comes out haha). I'm just really itching for the next version that won't drop items flagged as "not playable".


aha yeah it's still on, everything is just on pause for now while I'm working on one last thing, and then a short break for starfield