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How do you think assassination killmoves should be balanced?



I voted for the opener option but I'd also suggest, if possible, making it so that you can't do it if the NPC is searching still. Not sure if, by game mechanics, searching NPCs still count as in combat.


Would be good if it worked as long as you're not in *active* combat (as in, the enemy has found you and is attacking). I think having it not work when enemies are searching for you is too limiting.


I think there should be a HP/stamina threshold that NPCs would have to be above in order to avoid getting 1 hit killed. I know it may be asking too much.. but animations for missed, unsuccessful and countered attempts would be perfect.


Maybe it could work somewhat like Shadow of Mordor- if you try to do a killmove on a high level enemy/boss it just takes a chunk of health instead of instantly killing them, and all the enemies in the area are automatically alerted, while killmoves on regular enemies kill them and can keep you in stealth.