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Another installment of Skinny Dip is in the bag! The series is nearing its conclusion soon. Hope you've all been enjoying it.

Patreon will begin processing pledges in a few hours and I'll be distributing rewards when that's done. Thanks as always for your continued support! Also, a reminder to any patrons who want to get their hands on old content, check out my policy here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/for-new-patrons-3952983




Sage Deer

Awww. Kinda don't want it to end. At least there's Best Man :)


Don't worry, there will be other Bambi adventures in the future :)


These bambi pics are why I began supporting you in the first place. I hope for more! :D


Your Bambi stuff (and deer stuff in general) has always been great ever since you started posting on FA, but this image set really shows how much you've grown as an artist over the years. :) Awesome work!


Hope to see more of this in the future with bambi