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Poor Mike, he's in a sticky situation here.

It took a little longer to get this page out than I wanted. The Thanksgiving holiday kinda took a bite out of me. Hope yours was good tho!




Fritzy Fox

Hehe beautiful as always keep up the amazing work sigma


Honestly, I hope this doesn’t turn into him coming out as gay and she breaks up with him.

Finn Dixon

I love the wordplay.


Thank you 💕


I love this character so much I'm so glad he's getting more love

Devon Stewart The Creator

i really hope we get more of Mikey getting his hole creamed. Mikey deserves to get his hole filled like teh goo dboy he is.


I really hope we see some action with his gf as well, even if just briefly. Maybe just one or two pages.

phil norman

Dunno how he's going to explain that to the missus…. Hope your Thanksgiving wasn't too miserably Republican this year :-)


I actually had something like this happen in school. Except the roles were reversed. I was the Stallion and he was the pup. Yet he successfully seduced me into participating with him. It was a very innocent story- at first. That's because I was utterly ignorant. lol. I think my innocence drove him crazy and only made him try harder to seduce me. So if you image the Stallion as the innocent pup and the pup as the seducer, well the story is similar... It also took a couple of tries on his part to make his offer "clear," I can still remember, must have been thousands of times, waking up from a dream with the subject being the pup. And I can remember just as often finishing myself, if the dream had not done so. He occupied my mind for a very long time. Love this story- keep up the good work! PS, if you want me to relate some of the lurid details as fodder for this series, just let me know. The way he seduced me still haunts me these many years later and was truly a living fantasy.