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Huzzah! It's finished! And here's the entire thing in one tidy zip file:


Thank you so so much to everyone for supporting me on this project. As you may know, this was my first real long-form comic, and it could not have happened without help from all you Patreon peeps. I learned a LOT from this process (and from my own mistakes), and I'm looking forward to improving on it in the next one.

Yes, the next one! I'm going to take a month or so to develop ideas, and if all goes well, page one of a new comic will be out in December. I do hope you'll stick around for it. Cheers!




it was a fine comic! and next one as in next comic? or next chapter in this story?


The next comic will be something different. I do intend to continue Mike's story, but I need a break from drawing these characters for a bit lol.

Diego P

fantastic comic!


Yes perfect comics ;) ,


Hottest Comic, i love IT!!!!!😍


As a boring old straight guy, I have enjoyed this comic far more than most probably would. What a cliffhanger though! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds in part 2! You do amazing work Sigma, so happy to see my support goes a long way in helping your ideas come to life.


Well done! Congratulations on reaching your goal!


I am looking foward to many more future ones to come.


He has never been to the stable before or he would have known what kind of place it was and neither has been around males like the ones he saw in the club before. But he was blushing when he saw males in the club, So was he starting to getting horny by the sight of them and he only got drunk to get them out of his head? But that did not do work,it only made it worst. They came flooding into his mind. Once Diamond got on the stage and mikey looked his way, So Diamond did what he did to see how mikey would react? But did the setup between diamond and mikey occur because Teej saw how mikey react towards Diamond or did it happen early then that? Did bartender known what had occur when Teej was messing around with him before going into the bathroom? When In the bathroom Mikey try not to think about diamond and end up failing. So Mikey try to get him out of his system. But is not the case now Mikey has a large amount of diamond in him. What does the heart that appears around mikey head mean?So do they both lust for each other? There is a express in Diamond when he says That's your money's worth right there. So does that mean it is not about money anymore?


I am Strange straight guy, I discover this comic a while back. I have enjoy this comic from the start. Will next comic story continue from current story line? You are doing great Sigma. I will keep supporting you.


Any plans on the next comic ?


Why did his girlfriend setup her boyfriend with Diamond in the first place?


Yup, they are percolating! I'll reveal them in the next month or so.


So will it be reveal in the story why Mikey react the way he did and also why his girlfriend set him up with diamond?


I came here because of a love/hate relationship. I absolutely loooove to hate (Or is that hate to looooove? ~) the ending of May the Best Man Win! I just wish I found the comic sooner, thereby supporting it sooner. :3 I look forward to *ahem* perusing your other artwork! Just, please, please, please, don't let this be the end of Mikey's story! ~


Thanks for joining ^^ it'll be a little bit before I continue with Mikey's storyline, but I do have pretty firm plans for a sequel.


love this one but i have a question. Why did his girlfriend set him up to get fucked?


that's not quiiite what happened. will be further explored in the sequel