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Huzzah! It's finished! And here's the entire thing in one tidy zip file:


Thank you so so much to everyone for supporting me on this project. As you may know, this was my first real long-form comic, and it could not have happened without help from all you Patreon peeps. I learned a LOT from this process (and from my own mistakes), and I'm looking forward to improving on it in the next one.

Yes, the next one! I'm going to take a month or so to develop ideas, and if all goes well, page one of a new comic will be out in December. I do hope you'll stick around for it. Cheers!




So, how do I view these on my phone?


Sigma, I cannot offer enough praise for this fantastic comic! All of the artwork (backgrounds, lighting, atmosphere, etc.) was fantastic - that should go without saying. The erotic/sexual scenes were extremely hot (seriously, SO good). And the characters and story were super interesting and well-done. I enjoyed seeing Mikey's journey and change over the course of the night - and the banter and interactions between Mikey, Teej, and Diamond were great! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this comic - it was an absolute pleasure to experience it and I'm very excited for what you come up with next! ♥️


I would assume you need an app like winzip that can handle zip files.


Congratulations on completing your first big comic! This was seriously good and you deserve all the praise you get. I'm looking forward to your next comic and I'm confident you will continue to impress.

antonio kontos

could do a bambi themed one where bambi faline ronno and the great prince all go camping lol it could tie into Skinny Dip


Great Job