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Who says coloring books aren't for grownups? Well, this one is!

At long last, I get to share this goofy little thing I've been working on! We took the line art from 30-some of my favorite artworks and made them into a coloring book. There's a bit of Mike, Diamond, Sigma, Toby, and lots more in there. AND there is a contest too, with prizes, which I'll be picking winners for later this year. Details are in the back of the book!

If you want in, the preorders are HERE, or you can snag a copy at Bewere's table at FWA next week.




Miguel Nicola Matthes

My question is how can I buy it so that it can be sent to Mexico. The truth is, I would be very excited if it were sent to Mexico.

Sirka Ribclaw

*smashes preorder button*


It is sent to Mexico, I'm from Mexico and you can send it to any state of the country. Instead of state/Province it will let you choose at checkout using Square or Google Play should have your address I think