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“What. Is that.” It did not come out as a question so much as a horrified squeak from me as I stared at what Belladonna was currently curled up against.  It wasn’t so much that she even had an animal, though that was odd to see all on its own, but more so, the situation in which she now had it. I had come to Bella tonight, with the understanding that she was waiting for me. And when I opened the door, she was naked in bed, surrounded by plum silk sheets.  I was ready to join her, already beginning to strip myself of my clothes.

Yet, there, nestled on the sheets next to her, was a teal, fuzzy little creature, who was purring loudly.

“I do not actually know,” Belladonna said with a bit of curiosity.  “Even more strange is how it got in here.”

I took another step forward.  “It was just here?”

“Beneath the sheets. This adorable little bundle got fresh with me by accident.”

I raised a brow to her. She was calling it adorable. A term of endearment that not even I was often equated to. “Why are you not more suspicious?”

“Oh, I’m incredibly suspicious.” Flinging the sheets aside, she rose from bed, walking over to get her robe. The one that was lace and completely see through. Somehow it made her sexier.  “I am almost certain someone wants me to be lulled into a false sense of security.  But it’s not that creature's fault.  I mean, just look at it.”

Its talons were kneading across the bed, tearing up the silks.

“It’s ruining your bed.”

“It is,” she said with a small smile.

It was the wistfulness in her voice that made me do a double take. “Wait, are you a secret pet person?”

At that, her mouth twisted into a frown. “Of course not. Animals are disgusting. They smell. They are dumb. They have accidents everywhere. There is literally no use for them other than for food and since I don’t eat meat, they have even less of a use for me.”

“Yet that one is sitting on your bed, making a home there.”

“Well, dear heart,” she sighed. “It’s not like I can just toss it out into the market. That is not a paper animal. Do you know the amount of chaos it might cause? I already had a duchess assassinated this morning. I do not need to add more to the imbalance.”

“You what?”

She waved me away with a roll of her eyes. “Don’t you worry. I will be taking care of it.”

“No. The Duchess, Belladonna. Why did you have someone assassinated?”

“Oh. Because they were refusing a political trade. So I got rid of them and hung their body outside the home of their predecessor.  I think they will be much more amenable to making deals.”

She walked across the room towards her vanity, going through her night time routine. Brushing out her long locks, taking off her makeup. Meanwhile the creature made a little trilling sound as it rose from the bed, giving me a better look at it.  It had wide set eyes that made up half of its head along with teal fur that led down into a pointed tail that flared out into a spade. Its legs were short and its body wasn't particularly long, but it was round in shape. Then again, that could have just been the fur.  

The animal stretched as it hopped down from the bed and sauntered over to Bella. It curled around her bare legs, bumping against her like a cat would. That is, until it decided it was not gaining its desired results. So it opened its mouth wide, producing large, python like fangs, and sunk its teeth into Bella’s ankle

Belladonna didn’t hiss in pain. She didn't even flinch. Instead, she looked down at the creature, sucking her blood, and sighed loudly. “There is not much you’ll be getting there. I was supposed to feed tonight and you’ve interrupted it.”

“Okay, no. It cannot feed on you.” I needed to draw a line somewhere. Walking over, I picked the creature up by the scruff, tapping it on the nose until its fangs released her. A trickle of blood from twin holes raced delicately down Belladonna’s ankle.

“That’s a bit hypocritical,” she said.  

“You need blood to survive,” I pointed out.

“Little one might as well.”  Setting down her brush, she turned to look at the two of us. “Oh, you’ve angered it,” she laughed. Sure enough, the creature looked murderous. And that murderous rage was directed towards me.  “Darling, we will still have fun tonight. We will jut need to wait until the baby goes to bed.”

“You’re contemplating keeping it, aren’t you.”

“Absolutely. To have the very thing sent here to kill me as my favorite little companion? Revenge is far too sweet.”

“This thing could still kill you.”

She laughed loudly then, standing up to wrap her arms around me. “It is very cute when you are concerned. You should do that more often.”  Her own fangs grazed against me, her lips brushing against the pulse of my neck. I began to melt into her arms, feeling that overwhelming smell of Bella washing over me. Leading me to bliss.

And then the creature's fangs sunk into my ankle. And it hurt.

“Ow! What the fuck?”

Bella cooed as she bent down, scooping it into her arms. “Oh, it’s jealous,” she said. The moment she held the being close, it cuddled up to her, tossing me a dispassionate look.  “Did dear heart make you mad, my little kumquat?”

“Bella, you have got to be kidding me.” The creature was giving me the look that I’m sure every one of her clients gave when they saw her out with someone else. That sense of possession they all had, thinking that somehow I was the reason ro the threat keeping them apart.

“I’m going to have to name her,” she said. “Maybe Poison. Or Hemlock.”

“You can’t keep her.”

“And yet I’m going to.” Turning, she walked back over to the bed, offering the creature her finger to nibble on. “Now, dear heart, come here. I thought you and I were spending time with each other.”

“Hemlock will eat me in the middle of the night.”

“Oh, no she won’t. She might try but we’ll just train her. Honestly, I love this for us.  It’s like our first purchase together as a couple.  Instead of a coffee table we got a furry little friend.”


Her eyes snapped to mine. “On the bed. Now.”

I was compelled to follow. As I always was.  I nearly tripped over my own two feet to get to her.

“Now,” she said. “You two need to play nice.” She pushed me down to lay on the bed, putting Hemlock on top of me. “And neither of you are going to move until you do.”

I nearly panicked. “Where are you going?” I asked.

She leaned against the headboard. “I will be right here. Getting myself off.” Her hands slowly trailed down her belly before going between her thighs. “And if you are both polite, I’ll let you participate, my heart. But if either of you step out of line, it’s out into the garden with you both.”

She groaned loudly as her fingers disappeared and I had to catch my own moan behind my teeth.

And as heavy breathing filled the room along with small, heated moans, I looked back at Hemlock. She had fallen asleep, mouth partially open. Her fur turning purple just beneath her eyes.

I sighed, closing my eyes. “Fuck my life.” Belladonna gave a throaty laugh of agreement.



How will I ever be able to romance anyone BUT Bella in this game 🥰