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Commission for - and written by - https://www.deviantart.com/feuergreif1758

Any portrayed character is owned by its respective authors and properties.

Credits and copyright of the artwork owned by me http://manthomex.deviantart.com/; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/manthomex/




Does this mean buff monkey fist and maybe rufus


Right but its your story. Any chance of manthoex doing a totally spies comic from you


I thought about it, but this comic needs to be finished first, which won't be in the near future. Also I forgot a lot of the actual episodes and villains, so I would need a rewatch for some fitting ideas.


I've written about the bulky bars in the past and really like it as a concept, but I don't think they are strong enough that they bulk up the spies to a degree I like. Atleast Clover should be decently big :D


You sure they can eat alot of them. Maybe have sam do something with the forumla to make it stronger. You have written about bulky bars when


The hyper buff spies story from saxxon on my DA page. I would like to have a different twist on the story, because it has been done so often


I had the idea that Clover got into bodybuilding herself, gets really big, that the other spies think Clover is already abusing the bulky bars, but so does the villain. So Clover ends up in the villains hideout completely sane and she ends up changing the bulky bar formula to make them mire effective and it also doesn't turn your brain into a vegetable.


I didn't quite formulate it correctly. Maybe we could talk more about in Discord or something. We are crowding the comment section here with our conversation.