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First off, thank you to everyone who upgraded your pledge! You MUST finish the survey before Monday morning. If you don't, I'm going to have to guess your size and you don't want me to take a wild guess on that. 

Survey for Shirts: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54858318

If you need help with his, please let me know. 

Secondly, if you were in a yearly plan and could not upgrade due to Patreon issues, please DM me on Slack or Discord or here and I will provide you a unique link to get the shirt via another way. You'll also have until Monday to do this. Don't hesitate to reach out if you want this shirt! 

As stated before, if you decide to stay at the $25, you'll be getting another care package in October. These current shirts are planned to ship in 2-3 weeks from today. 

Thank you all for the support, this year has been pretty rough for me as a content creator, so I am forever grateful for your support. 




Thanks for the update! Keep on with the great work!