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First off, thank you so much for signing up for our Patreon! I am so lucky that I can make content for you daily, and I can only do it because of you! This post will answer any and all questions you have about your new membership so you can get the most out of it.

Slack & Discord Communities

Why both Slack and Discord? 
The Slack has been around since before Discord was a thing! When Discord took off, I asked the Slack community if they wanted to move over to Discord and they said “no, we love Slack!” With the nature of Twitch, Discord just fit for that crowd, so we have both!

Do I need to use both?
No, of course not! There are community members in both and while some do use both Slack and Discord, most seem to gravitate towards one or the other. Think of this like having two Pokémon Leagues in your town. Both Leauges offer people to chat with and Pokémon to play, but one League might feel closer to home than the other!

Which is better?
This all comes down to personal choice. Slack has amazing threaded messages, personal management of channels, and an older audience. Discord has better bot intergations, like our Pokémon GO Raid bot, great image management, and easier group audio tools. Both Slack and Discord have fantastic desktop and mobile apps!

Exclusive Podcast Feed

Any patron at $5 or more will get access to our premium feed. That will include both ad-free versions of our Monday episodes AND the monthly bonus podcasts! This feed can be found under your Patreon membership page or you can follow this link directly here.

Patreon uses a service called Acast to manage this podcast feed. After verifying your Patreon account, Acast will allow you to listen to the feed in any of your favorite podcasting apps. Once it’s set up, all podcast will come your way like normal!

Spotify now supports custom RSS feeds as of November of 2023! Premium Spotify here

Gift Packages

$25+ patrons will get a physical rewards every 3 months and bonuses when to comes to postcards in the mail. Current LIVE events are paused, but will resume in 2024.


If for any reason you don’t want your name in the audio version or video version of the podcast, please just let me know! For Slack members, most people feel comfortable using their real names, but if you’d like more anonymity, feel free to use your online handle instead.

With information on Patreon, Twitch, and whatever else that contains your email, address or real name, I have two-factor authentication and unique passwords on all my accounts that hold any personal data.

Issues & Support

If something isn’t working for you, please let me know! If your issues are with Patreon as a platform, you can always use their Help Center to resolve your problem. If you are confused about Discord, Slack or the podcast, my DMs are always open. I’m here to make sure you’re happy with your membership!

This was last updated on Dec 11, 2023. If you see any issues or think something should be added, let me know!





Codey Mathis

((Slack is better)) ((No of course I'm totally not biased))