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We have updated the $5 podcast feed with Acast, who recently partnered with Patreon. Acast sucked up all the old Premium episodes and will be now hosting all future ones starting today! 

What does this mean?
It means that you have to update your RSS link via Acast! You can do this by going under your PKMNcast memberships, go where is says Private RSS link, then tap Connect to RSS Feed! You should be able to tell it worked if you see today's episode, which I uploaded just now to test. The last episode before that was July of 2020 based on Twilight Wings. 

Who is this for?
As discussed last week, we are revamping the Patreon on May 1st, this weekend!! We'll be removing the $2 Tier completely, but adding a ton of value to the $5 Tier including more exclusive episodes and ad-free versions of current episodes (if there are ads in them), that you'll be able to enjoy! Plus some other bonus stuff coming too! 

It's not working?
Acast is a bit new for me and I just finalized setting it up this morning. If something is not working, please message me here or on Slack/Discord and I'll be able to help troubleshoot. I'm sure there is something I did wrong to link Patreon with this new RSS feed, so don't hesitate to let me know. Ideally, this should be 'better' than what we had before. 

Do I have to do this?
No, not at all! If you want to use the normal feed you have always been using, keep on using it. This Patreon-only RSS feed will offer bonus episodes from time to time. You may miss out on those if you don't bother setting this up, but if you change your mind, just let me know if you need help! 

How are you today?
I'm okay! Tired, but very excited for Pokémon Snap and our HUGE Patreon update this week! :D

I didn't do that Charity thing yet?
I figured, here is the link to donate to charity for free, just leave a review! 

I heard Apple is charging for Podcasts?
Yes, that is something coming down the pipeline. I have signed up for what they wanted me to, but that rollout is mid-May, so I don't have a lot of details on it yet. Rest assured there will always be a FREE podcast feed like there has been for almost 11 years now. 

There should be another update this week, but as always, thank you so much for liking my content and supporting what I do!

- Steve 




Great post! Want to also add that if you're doing this through the app on your phone, you just need to go to Overview for the page and click RSS Feed at the bottom. There are options from there. If you had the previous feed still up when you added the new one, the new one will say PKMNcast.com while the old still says It's Super Effective.