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You probably signed up for Patreon to get bonus podcasts, but can't find the feed? This is simply to help people where to look and what to do. If you've already done this, then you can skip this post! 

At the $5 a month level, I offer Pokémon Anime podcast! Once you sign up, go to https://www.patreon.com/itssupereffective and look near the top, right area of the page. In the screenshot used in this post, you can see the general ideal where to look. All patrons get an exclusive RSS that they can add to their favorite podcast app! Copy that URL and then add it to your podcast app of choice. Each app may be different in how to add an RSS feed, but here are a few instructions on how to add your Patreon-only podcast to your apps!  

Apple Podcasts
Go to Library
Tap on Shows
Tap on Edit
Add a Show by URL...
Paste URL, then Subscribe 

Pocket Casts
Go to Podcasts
Tap Search
Paste URL
Tap Podcast, then Subscribe

Currently Does Not Work

Tap +
Paste URL, then Subscribe

Tap Search shows, RSS feeds, iTunes...
Paste URL, then Subscribe

Hopefully this helps you get the Patreon-only podcast in your favorite app! If you have any questions, please let me know! 




I have just worked it out 👍


Hey! I know it's been a minute since this was posted and most people probably know how to already add the RSS feed but I wanted to let you know this is now outdated. Since Patreon updated, it's now under My Membership. Hopefully this helps someone :)


Yeah! Patreon updated it and I want to do more! Should have more news in regards to this soon!!