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I’ve written vows, speeches, and tons of other words this past weekend. The best part is, I am bad at actually writing. So I am going to do it one last time for all of you for 2018. 

2018 was the first full year I spent as a full-time content creator. It’s not a traditional job in any sense and I have not pursued a traditional job this year. I started off last January living off of my savings account, and it was tough. But here we are today, still making content and growing together as a community. While I still don’t have consistent income, I have all of you. I don’t regret this journey we have taken together over the past seven years of podcasting or the past year of streaming. I genuinely care for all of you and I cannot thank you enough for the support you have given me. 

Today, Irene and I are getting married. Our marriage isn’t going to change any of the content you see, but she’s a big part of who I have become over the years. Irene is easily one of the most passionate and empathic people I have ever met. She inspires me to inspire you. She’s seen all my mistakes, frustrations, and sleepless nights working to make something I am proud of for you. On the flip side, she sees how amazing and supportive you all are of me, and she is constantly in awe. I wouldn’t be able to do all of this without you all and without her. Thank you.

While I don’t make New Year's Resolutions, I spent yesterday reflecting on 2018. I made a lot of mistakes this year, and I will continue to make a lot more mistakes in 2019. I made a lot of amazing and unforgettable moments this year too, as well as a lot of amazing new friends. I know that 2019 will be even better than 2018. I know that together we have one of the best communities around and that we’ll continue to grow together. Safe it up tonight and safe it up for 2019. Be good to each other and thank you for everything. 




Thanks for everything Steve! Congratulations! Getting married was the best thing I have ever done! I'm so happy to see how much this community has grown I'm excited for 2019! Happy new year