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More TeamD stuff. Here's a list of specialized equipment that Altagens use in battle. I wish I had some sketches to show here but I barely did any references pics back then >.< 

Diapers come in various models, depending on the situation.

-Polymer one: thin classic diaper, allows maximum movement with minimal polymer volume. Lasts for one wetting/messing before it leaks. Doesn't swell up much.

-Polymer two: medium diaper, contains more polymers and swells up good when containing bodily fluids. Lasts for 2-3 wettings, minimal movement reduction.

-Polymer three: thick diaper, very poofy, lowers movement by a good amount but it can hold up to 8 wettings. Worn usually by Nurses and Defenders.

-Polymer extra: poofy diaper with special extendible polymers, movement and agility are totally lost but it assures to hold 16+ bowel movements. Meant for very long missions, rarely used.

-Polymer S: with a normal level of absorbency and minimal movement reduction, it can stretch a lot due to its elastic polymers. Perfect for holding huge solid loads.

In the story our protagonist Stella often insists to be changed into the very thick ones, she's a big pamp loader after all but also likes the comfort they give. This leads to some discussions with the rest of the team. She's the slightly more serious version of Chestnut now that I think about it.

There's some extra equipment that goes with diapers as well:

-Pad one: thin booster pad, can increase the diaper holding capacity by 1 wetting.

-Pad two: medium booster pad, increases the diaper holding capacity by 3 wettings.

-D-guard: a diaper without tapes, acts like a big thick pad, lets fluids out once full to allow for maximum absorbency. Best combo with Polymer S.

-R-guard: external rubber pants, leakage guard against heavy wettings and liquid loads.

-Safety tapes: extra tapes in case of emergency. They can be put in pockets and used as temporary fix for sagging diapers or loosened tapes. Can also be used to repair small surface tearing/holes to keep the mushy polymers inside.

In case you were wondering why it's so important not to leak during battles, it's that their wastes are very dangerous for the environment. I don't remember if corrosive or radioactive but they got pretty lethal when they used their powers to certain extents. After all, the girls are beings from an alternate dimension, it didn't need to make too much sense. This is pollution prevention at its finest :3

And with this we're done talking about Team-D! Next Behind the Scenes is a tad sad.


Abe Sedecim

I can see you put a lot of thought in this. That's good because you never know when you might come back around to that idea. Then, you'll be like, "I can use about 80 percent of this, just needs a little more tweaking, here and there and maybe over here, etc."