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As previously stated, starting from September the YDW sketch tier has been raised to 10$ while the livestream tier has been reduced to 5$.

If you have previously requested a sketch and you haven't updated your tier, the request will stay on hold until you update your pledge again.

Furthermore, 3$ tier and up can now commission me if slots are available. I will start by opening 4 slots on Monday, you get your own by commenting on the post I will make. Beware that being in the 3$ tier doesn't guarantee 100% you are going to get a commission.

- you can commission only one picture/page/GIF per time

- you cannot re-enter the same or the very next month, slots are limited for now and I don't want to see 1 person occupying the same place forever. this rule will change in the future.

-now currency is expressed in € on my website, some prices will be updated before next week starts. Prices are listed HERE 




Darn, I got excited about the commissions until I read that you don't do furry art. Oh well, congrats to whomever gets a spot.


I'm sorry but I have done only 3-4 furry art pieces and I never felt comfortable. Maybe I will change my mind again in the future. (I'm not even good at drawing furry stuff honestly)


Pretty good. Although I still had some YDW idea I would've wanted to see. Que sera sera.