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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with these two brothers and we're finally watching some of the mystery and intrigue elements of this story come to a head, with our boy HUGHES! 

And that is tragically and (in our case) hilariously made clear by our fella Hughes getting got by the Sin Squad, despite all of the lascivious accusations hurled by Morgan at this apparently too-pure-to-live character! 

It might be the hardest that Sean's ever laughed at a funeral. Fictional or otherwise. 

But seriously, we loved this episode! One of the best yet and the central conceit of at least this arc is now coming into view and Col. Mustang, the Brothers, and the crew are fully activated within the story. 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got a new Shitty Movie Night dropping very soon, along with some more Death Note! 


The Watchers in the Bar



Halcyon Gaming

Still don't trust that Hughes guy...


Well over a years' Patreon sub fees REALLY paid off today. Never in my wildest dreams did I EVER think I would be laughing hysterically during the funeral of Maes Hughes, but watching Moracle choke on a ginormous fuckin' crow casserole for shitting shade on Hughes was hilariously funny. Truthfully, though, it was Sean's laughter that yoinked me right over the edge. When I read the video description about laughing at a funeral, I was disappointed and a little angry. I thought, "Well maybe I just won't enjoy this one. How dare you disrespect Maes fuckin' Hughes, the best dad ever!" But watching Morgan squirm and become increasingly uncomfortable, casting about for a viable escape route, and then watching Sean just lose his shit with the schadenfreude...it was just...sooo.... DELICIOUSLY satisfying! I was in tears. I could not help myself. I mean, I understand Morgan completely. I do not fault her for the assessment. That does not anger me, I didn't offend me. I knew better, and I knew this episode was coming. But I'll be damned if ya'll didn't turn the saddest funeral I've ever seen into one of the funniest experiences in my recent memory. Kudos. Money fuckin' well-earned. EDIT: Just to be clear, still love ya, Morgan! <3 :D


Dang. It's a terrible day for rain again...


I've watched FMA and FMAB, as well as read the comic-- first time I've laughed my ass off at Maes Hughs dying hahahahahaha good stuff


One of the best reactions I’ve seen from you guys! Absolutely hilarious! Moracle, eat your heart out 🤣

Tim Chaos

As the others have said, I never would have guessed I'd laugh during this episode! Thanks guys, this was a treat, never change XD


Also this is definitely one that regardless if you fuck with our edits, I SIMPLY CANNOT FUCKING WAIT TO SEE HOW ABE HANDLES THIS on YT. I think it's gonna be even funnier with proper mixed visuals and music.


Oh, I am feedin' dat 'rithm for Abe's supercut on this one, for sure! Can't wait!


Hughes: dead in the ground six feet under Morgan: But what's he plotting in his casket tho

Austin Cirillo

Holy shit, the absolute delight from Sean as the Moracle suddenly is so catastrophically wrong lmao.

Fighting Wombat

I've been waiting so long for Morgan to be proven wrong about Hughes. I don't think I've laughed this much at a reaction before.