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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back and we're not liking humanity's current state of affairs in Kansas City! 

Hang as we become more and more charmed by the eventual warming of each other through the traumatic first encounter with humans since outside Boston! Pedro and Bella have such good chemistry! 

We slowly realize just how off her damn rocker Melanie Lynskey's Kathleen might be (and WTF is in that damn basement!). 

Also, WHAT IF Henry is just a kid! We know he's probably not, but who knows! 

And prepare yourselves for a likely too-long convo about "Butt Oil" as a way to groom your apocalyptic beard. 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


We got Full Metal coming out later! With some brand new stuff on the horizon including a SHREK commentary track! 


The Watchers in the Bar 




*Kansas City, Missouri


(MS is Mississippi - You're looking for "MO") heehee But w/e close enough. It's just Kansas City, Missouri. It should be used to being mistaken for some other place....like, in Kansas, for example. It's their own fault for the misleading name.