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Hey hey Patrons! 

We're back with flat-out, one of if not the most arresting moment in this entire show! 

Erwin's rousing speech has got US ready to ride into war! 

Gonna keep this post brief as I'm still pretty fatigued from CoVid! 


Our lovely Editor Abe, who keeps our Attack on Titan content rolling with the consistency that it does, ALSO done caught the 'Rona. We'll need to hold off on our typical Tuesday drop, HOWEVER we will have something quite STRANGE and exciting to hold you over on Tuesday! We'll be back this coming Friday and on schedule! 

Follow this exclusive link to hang! 


Thanks for your understanding! We may be done with CoVid but CoVid is not done with us! Stay safe! Get your shots and boosters! We will have something quite STRANGE and exciting to hold you over on Tuesday! We'll see ya next Friday kids! 


The Watchers in the Bar




Oh Connie's joke was translated differently here o.o This is AOT's version of a red wedding XD

Tim Chaos

Glad to see you guys enjoyed this epic episode! And I hope Sean and Abe get well soon! *Erwin voice* Your watchers understand! Your watchers will wait! You watchers hope you get well soon!!!

Tim Chaos

Oh yeah, I remember hearing that Connie's joke is straight up a pun? Like Jaegar is pronounced similarly to the japanese word for "house"? They did a good enough job translating it all things considered lol


This part of season 3 is as close to the Red Wedding as AoT ever gets, but I agree it's not comparable. No show/scene I've watched since can live up to it. That being said, I'm chomping at the bit to see yall's reaction to the Armin death scene and Levi's Sophie's choice -- especially Dustin who's already introduced the "Armin vs Erwin" debate. Hope you and Abe get better soon!


Can't wait for next episode


in another translation its supposed to be something like "the eaves on eren's house are dropping"??? like eavesdropping “Eren’s house is eavesdropping” said it too many times its no longer a word now XD this is helpful https://aot-snk-4238.tumblr.com/post/185002566462/jaegerbroshoe-wtf-the-subs-translated-connies Edit: Just went back to the video cuz i vaguely remembered what connie said but yeah its like whoever translated this was trying to make a tongue twister: He's airing out Eren's house. Which is just so stupid u can't help but laugh the longer u try and think about it


Hope everyone is feeling better soon! And I can’t wait to see your reactions to the next round of eps! Side note on the whole AOT VS GOT thing, idk I just personally don’t think we even need to compare them. AOT is brutal, existential, and despair filled in its own unique way. AOT has a lot to say on society in regards to war, race, hatred, genocide etc. it does kill characters we love- especially by season 4 and kills many side characters in the lead up. Does it practically wipe out its whole cast every season ? No, and it doesn’t have to. A lot of AOT’s horror is bloody but also focused on the existential pain, and suffering of its characters and the agony of the human condition. It doesn’t need to be GOT, because GOT is GOT. I love the show for its own brand of horror and despair 😅. Both shows are trying to show and create a completely different message and world.


personally i just feel like AoT's message goes a lot deeper that GoT, I mean GoT even kind of undermines itself, cause a huge theme of it was that our narrow minded and selfish problems made us forget about the larger problems that should unify us. Thats what the white walkers were supposed to represent, and winter and so on. And then they just, fix it i guess? And now the real issue is who's gonna sit on the iron throne? The one the narrative has been telling us is not that important in the grand scheme of things? Oh and then Dany becomes like a fascist in one episode and then dies. I'm simplifying it but they dropped the ball hard...


Oh 100% Michelle! I think AoT's overarching messages on humanity, war, slavery, genocide, generational hatred, and race are much more nuanced and hit the mark more meaningfully for me. I'm thinking about the the entirety of both stories (start to finish) and AoT's messages and over arching story hit me much harder. I was just commenting on the discourse on comparing and of "well GoT kills more mains versus AoT...". Other than being set in a fantasy world, and being brutal, they are not very similar shows in my opinion. I don't think they are trying to do the same thing. I think GoT is very much high fantasy that wants us to care about that world and how the characters and events of the story effects them. But not really look outside that great fantasy world. AoT has the fantasy but I think it is very much trying and succeeding on commenting on our own world with its story and messages.


Also and yeah they did drop the ball on the ending and I think AoT has a better one.


Feel better soon, Editor-sama Abe!

Aidan Pullen

This episode is goddamn incredible, and Erwin's speech is one of the most rousing ones in tv history imo. I also keep seeing people bring up the "AoT is like the GoT of anime", but I've never liked that comparison. They are completely different shows, and they handle character deaths way differently. Not to mention, I think AoT has, in general, better writing than GoT (maybe aside from seasons 3-5, which were pretty good). God, I can't wait to see everyone's reactions to the basement stuff, it's always such a "woah wtf" revelation type moment. Hope everyone's well soon!

Mr. Toastman

AoT unquestionably has better writing than GoT. GoT is 90% intrigue. AoT has intrigue, but is orders of magnitude stronger thematically and philosophically.

Dancing Viru

I think there are 2 issues with the GoT comparison: 1) death in GoT originally meant something else, esp. season 1-4 partly adapted the trend from the books in which the death of a main character lead to the upgrade of side characters & moved the plot forward. However GoT transformed into violence galore & plot armor, leaving with too many main characters in the same scenes with only 2-3 talking. I think it's the violence galore that lead to the comparison, of which there are many more, older than AoT. 2) Similar to 1st half of GoT, AoT manages to deepen the characters that aren't the main cast, & each of them are different. So if a viewer happens to identify with all the dead characters, I can see where the comparison's coming from. Overall I think it's mainly the political intrigue aspect, which I personally call "the littlefingering" xD


If you want something that can maybe live up to The Red Wedding, I would recommend checking out Berserk.


Hi! Inquiring again about the uncut GOT reactions. Were you ever able to post them ? I know you said you guys were working reposting them. It’s been about a month and a half so I was wondering if you had an update.

Adam Vialpando

Honestly major deaths don't happen as often in GoT as people think. More deaths happen overall but GoT has much more characters than AoT. And even then the deaths have more meaning in AoT. A few GoT deaths stand out. Baelor, Rains of Castamere, Mountain and the Viper. But most GoT deaths don't seemnto have a purpose except to make death seem like a threat. And even then it doesn't always succeed. Jon had 3 arrows put into him and didn't die. Sure they might not have been meant to kill but I still call bullshit on that. And you don't have characters literally die and come back to life in AoT. Deaths in AoT feel much more visceral and brutal too.


The whole sequence of Arya in Braavos made me lol. Howd she survive all that?

Adam Vialpando

Arya in general post-S4 was such a letdown. Nothing she did felt earned. I still can't believe a small girl with haphazard training from several different people, much of it being assassination stuff and not actual combat, could go toe to toe with Brienne of fucking Tarth. The lady who went took down people like Loras Tyrell and Sandor Clegane. The only way a smaller fighter can beat a bigger and stronger is if they are much more skilled and/or experienced, like with Oberyn vs Gregor. And even then it is not always assured. Brienne was easily more skilled and experienced than Arya in actual fighting. And while they tried to make her seem like a lumbering oaf Brienne was also very fast as well as strong.


Just for your persobnal experience, Erwin's final speech in the English Dub is AMAZING. Some of the best voice acting I've ever heard, honestly!

Sky Sirak

Oh no, hope you get well soon Abe!! ❤