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Beep beep y'all! 

As the summer winds down and we gear up for "IT Chapter 2", we here at House Burlington have assembled a commentary that has everything you ever were afraid of!!!

 90's low budget miniseries adaptations of Stephen King novels? Horrific ponytails? Jarringly on the nows fade transitions? Figuring out weather Walter White or Pennywise would win in a fight? 

They all float down here! 

If it's any of those things and a whole lot more, Sean and resident House Burlington East Coaster Morgan sat down for THREE GODDAMN HOURS and watched the not-as-classic-as-you-remember 1990 version of IT! 

This one was an absolute ball to record and please do pat Sean and Morgan on the back for going an entire 40 minutes into the commentary before talking about the infamous KID ORGY that happens in King's original Novel!! 

We got it set up, so you can synch up by hitting play at the third beep at 2:27!! 

Enjoy yall! and get ready for our discussion of CHAPTER TWO later this week! 


Sean Tanktop & House Burlington 




That was a long watch but very much worth it. Great as usual and reminds me of watching the old MST3K show.


Appreciated it Jared!!!! It is soooo damn long!!