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Hey gang! 

Holy shit balls. 

It’s gonna be hard to put this into words how much the last five years of been such a gift. 

The gift given to me by the friends that I’ve cultivated inside of the Burlington Bar and the friends that I have found on YouTube and the online community and especially to you our patrons who are facilitated us to be able to do incredible things this season and close out Game of Throne’s impressive run. 

I know deep down that we’re going to lose a fair amount of you guys once this is posted. And that's life ya know. 

These videos of capture people's imaginations in a pretty profound way and now it’s coming to a close. 

We're doing 6 set ups of Watchers regulars for the Series finale edition of WATCHERS IN THE BAR RECAP! GOING TO BE EPIC!! So many more hot takes from us and we got a lot to say about this finale! 

I would encourage you guys to stick around at least for another couple of months while I upload the full uncut reactions from season 6 and 7. 

I’ve been pulling those old files and having a blast getting them ready. We’re also about to restart our ReWatchers in the Bar series in the lead up to The Game of Thrones prequel that will likely drop within the next year and a half. Because of your support we’re going to be able to start expanding our watches in the bar series to a bunch of other shows and start to cultivate a new night at the bar to do some new reactions. 

I understand if you’ll not be able to continue supporting.... but......  

I would encourage you to do so because what we have here is a building block that I think can propel the channel our podcast and our content forward in some amazing new directions and you guys are the first building blocks of that. 

Words cannot express the immense feeling of gratitude and satisfaction I have to have shared this cultural moment with y’all. 

I’ll say one last thing and it’s something that I said live on the podcast but I mean this from the bottom of my heart. 

It is a little sad to see Game of Thrones and this phenomenon come to an end but at least we still have each other.

Follow this password-protected link to check out the final episode of Game of Thrones in the Burlington bar and ladies and gentlemen it has been an absolute pleasure and honor. 


Password: ExactlyWhereYouWereSupposed2Be


Sean Tanktop and House Burlington 




Dearest TankTop, I wholeheartedly thank you and the Watchers for all the entertaining moments throughout the years. I may have missed on some of them but when I discovered your channel before the start of GOT season 7 I knew I had found something that I wasnt going to get bored of. It’s why I support you on all platforms and will continue to do so. You all have gotten me through long days, can’t thank you enough for that. Keep saying yes to cool projects and i shall follow suit good ser ! Love love love you my Watcher darlings!! Xoxo Jamie “lovesickmenagerie”


💕 House Burlington!


Thank you so much for everything, Sean! For practically ruining your sleeping schedule for a few weeks and for working so hard to give us all of this fun content that keeps making us share this together. It nearly feels like we've been in the Haus Burly gang as well, knowing every one's name etc. Watching you guys react procures one specific emotion but listening to commentary is also very interesting since everyone brings their fun bits and their nerdy intelligent ones. It's made me want to be more critical of what I watch besides enjoying it dumbly without much of a second thought. For that too, thank you! I'll hang in here for a while for sure, even if my tier might change at some point as life will command it lol. But so glad I found you, it's a real pleasure to have your videos to watch! Can't wait for what's brewing, much love to all the gang xxx


Thank you my dear. You are the most dependable and coolest Jamie in the world of Haus Burlington. xoxo


Were a big group of buds with a ton of differing things to say about the stuff that we love! Youve been a joy and we're gonna gibe you a big ol shoutout for convincing Meg to get back on the Watchers wagon!!! Thanks so much Clarisse!!!!


Hi Sean the password is not working for me?


I seem to have the same problem, password not working at the moment.


Sean Dearest! Password is not working for me either. Any guidance?


Hey yall! Just patched it up! Let me know if there are any other problems!!!


Hi Sean just tried again and all is good. Thanks man.


It’s no bother mate.


I will not abandon House Burlington!


loved being part of the journey. thank you for all the content over these past few years. definitely be sticking around to see what's next. would love black mirror but i bet you hear that constantly and have a reason <3


Just wanna say, I've been loving being a vicarious watcher of this community. But when are we getting the video compilation of all the times Captain America shakes his head and throws his hands up? ;p


Thank you very much.


Thank you Sean!


So what's the next watch?


We're looking at some big ones that come on a Sunday. Definitely Watchmen in the Fall. gonna do a Watchers for Stranger Things Season 3. Gonna start a poll with Patrons to and see what they have to say!


Thank you for making the GoT journey a joy, Sir Sean! Even though I hated the final destination, I can never hate GoT overall because it led me to you and your Burlingtoners. I for one will stick around for a long time more, and I can't wait for our next journey together!